Starbucks Recipes: How to Make Starbucks Espresso Drinks at Home

Are you a Starbucks fanatic? Do you crave espresso? Maybe it’s time to become your own Barista! Whether you’re tired of spending four bucks a day on a latte or planning a dinner party, learning to make Starbucks’ specialty espresso drinks is easy and fun. This guide to Starbucks espresso drink recipes will help you make your favorite Starbucks drinks at home.

What you’ll need to make Starbucks espresso drinks:

1) An espresso machine. Starbucks, of course, sells espresso machines but they are pretty costly, ranging from 399$ to 1200$ (available on Wal-Mart has one for 29.86 (available on Although quality does matter, if you’re just looking to have fun, any espresso machine with a steam wand will do.

2.) Espresso coffee ground for an espresso machine. You can buy a pound of espresso at Starbucks for 9.95. They’ll grind it for you, and you even get a free cup of coffee with it.

3) Milk. Whole milk, skim milk, soy milk, 2% milk- it’s your preference.

4) A large cup or pitcher to steam the milk in.

5) A thermometer to measure how hot the milk is.

6) A spoon.

7) Depending on the espresso drink you intend to make, you may need the following, which are available at most Starbucks stores or online at

  • vanilla syrup- for Vanilla Lattes, Hot Chocolates, and Caramel Macchiatos.
  • mocha powder- for CafÃ?© Mochas and Hot Chocolates.
  • caramel sauce- for caramel macchiatos
  • whipped cream (optional)

The Basics

Brewing Espresso
This varies greatly depending on your espresso machine. Read the manual carefully and learn how to brew 2 ounces of quality espresso.
*Tip: You may have to play around with the amount of espresso you put in and how hard you tamp it (press it) in order to get the perfect shots.

Steaming Milk and Making Foam
This will vary depending on your espresso machine. Read your manual carefully, and learn how to turn your steam wand on and off.
1) Pour milk into pitcher, leaving about 3 inches at the top for room to foam and pour.
2) Place thermometer in pitcher.
3) Place end of steam wand toward bottom of pitcher, so that the tip is completely submerged in milk.
4) Turn steam wand on.
5) Let the steam wand linger near the bottom of the pitcher until the thermometer reads around 120 degrees (Fahrenheit).
6) Pull the pitcher down so that the tip of the steam wand is very close to the surface of the milk. It should start to make a frothing noise- this means it is making foam.
7) When the thermometer reads 160 degrees, shut the steam wand off.
8) Let the milk cool and separate for 30 seconds before pouring.
*Tip: If you are making a cappuccino, or if you like extra foam on your lattes, leave extra room in the pitcher and linger near the surface of the milk longer.
*Tip: Thoroughly clean off your steam wand after every use.

The Starbucks Espresso Drinks
All of the recipes here call for a 16 ounce cup. For a 12 ounce cup or smaller, use only 1 ounces of espresso, unless you like your drinks strong.

A Latte
1) steam milk
2) brew 2 ounces of espresso
3) pour espresso into cup
4) fill �¾ of the cup with steamed milk
5) fill remainder with foam
*Tip: For extra flavor, sprinkle with cinnamon or nutmeg; or top it with whipped cream.

A Vanilla Latte
1) steam milk
2) brew 2 ounces of espresso
3) pour espresso into cup
4) pour 3 teaspoons of vanilla syrup into cup
5) fill �¾ of the cup with steamed milk
6) fill remainder with foam

A Cappuccino
1) steam milk
2) brew 2 ounces of espresso
3) pour espresso into cup
4) fill cup halfway with steamed milk
5) fill remainder with foam

A Caramel Macchiato
1) steam milk
2) brew 2 ounces of espresso
3) pour 2 teaspoons of vanilla syrup into cup
4) fill �¾ of the cup with steamed milk
5) place a dollop of foam on top of milk
6) pour espresso over foam
7) top with swirls of caramel sauce

A Caf�© Mocha
1) steam milk
2) brew 2 ounces of espresso
3) pour espresso into cup
4) pour 3 teaspoons of mocha powder into cup
5) fill �¾ of cup with steamed milk
6) top off with foam or whipped cream

A Hot Chocolate
1) steam milk
2) pour 3 teaspoons of mocha powder into cup
3) pour 2 teaspoons of vanilla syrup into cup
4) fill cup �¾ with steamed milk
5) top off with whipped cream or foam

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