Start Your Own Party Decorating Business

Lets face it, there are some of us who just can’t decorate. Personally, I can barely decorate my house; therefore, what was I supposed to do for my daughter’s birthday party. Obtaining the services of a party decorator will cost money; however, I feel it is well worth it if you want the occasion to be memorable. That is why many women, and men too, are beginning to start their own party decorating businesses.

One of the first things to consider when deciding to start your own business is will their be clients willing to use your services? Traditionally upper class individuals may use the services of a party planner; however, there are middle and lower class individuals who are just pressed for time and may need assistance. These people would be more likely to use your party decorating services if your fees were reasonably priced.

To determine your fees, you should call around to existing party decorating companies. This will give you an opportunity to compare their rates and learn about other services that they may offer to their clients.

To reach your clients and inform that you are running a party decorating business, you should first start by making business flyers. You should hang them up at community bulletin boards. You may also wish to talk to the manager of a local party store and ask them if you can place your flyers in the entrance way to the store. Placing an advertisement in a local paper is an additional way to obtain clients. You could also think about placing your phone number in the business section of your local phone book.

Another planning aspect of starting your own party plan business is deciding what is the appropriate fee to charge. Since you are going to be the owner of your business, you have the ability to choose whatever pricing plan that you desire. A few suggestions are hourly or for the whole project. Although charging a flat rate for a certain party can seem less complicated, it might become more later. Since one person may hold a larger party than another, you should determine exactly how many people are attending and how large the space is that you will be decorating. You could charge by room size if you desire. I ending up choosing a party decorator that charged by the hour and I personally thought it was the easiest way.

You will also need to establish ahead of time who will be choosing the decorations or shopping for them. This is another reason why I think an hourly rate could be more beneficial to the planner. If you are required to do extra work tracking down a certain table cloth or balloons, you will be paid for your time. On the other hand, having the client pick out or at least select the party decorations may prevent confusion in the long run.

Starting your own party decorating business can be very successful, if properly approached, and could even lead to new opportunities. Do you know that handmade decorations are a fantastic way to customize a party. In addition to party decorating, if you have a flair for design you might want to consider making some of the party decorations for a client. As with any business, it is important that you contact your local and state laws to determine their regulations on operating a business. Although it will sometimes take time for a business to successfully develop, the quicker you get started the quicker you will see results. If you love to decorate, get started today and get those parties booked!

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