State Songs: What’s Yours?

There are 48 states of the United States (all except for New Jersey and Virginia) that have a state song. State songs are generally selected by the state legislature as a symbol of the state. Some states have more than one official state song for various reasons unknown by most. Below are the state songs of the 48 states of the US that do indeed have a state song.

Alabama “Alabama” (not the Kurt Weill song) and unofficially “Sweet Home Alabama”
Alaska “Alaska’s Flag”
Arizona “Arizona”
Arkansas “Arkansas”; “Oh, Arkansas”; “The Arkansas Traveler”
California “I Love You, California”
Colorado “Where the Columbines Grow”
Connecticut “Yankee Doodle”
Delaware “Our Delaware”
Florida “(Way Down Upon The) Swannee River” (“Old Folks At Home”); “Florida”; “Florida, My Florida”
Georgia “Georgia on My Mind”
Hawaii “Hawai’i pono’i”
Idaho “Here We Have Idaho”
Illinois “Illinois”
Indiana “On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away”
Iowa “The Song of Iowa”
Kansas “Home on the Range”
Kentucky “My Old Kentucky Home”
Louisiana “Give Me Louisiana”; “Every Man A King”; “You Are My Sunshine”
Maine “State of Maine Song”
Maryland “Maryland, My Maryland” (to the tune of “O Tannenbaum”)
Massachusetts “All Hail to Massachusetts”
Michigan “My Michigan”
Minnesota “Hail! Minnesota”
Mississippi “Go Mis-sis-sip-pi”
Missouri “Missouri Waltz”
Montana “Montana”; “Montana Melody”
Nebraska “Beautiful Nebraska”
Nevada “Home Means Nevada”
New Hampshire “Old New Hampshire”- official
New Mexico “O Fair New Mexico” (English); “Asi Es Nuevo MÃ?©jico” (Spanish)
New York “I Love New York”
North Carolina “The Old North State”
North Dakota “North Dakota Hymn”
Ohio “Beautiful Ohio”; “Hang on Sloopy” ; Oklahoma “Oklahoma!”; “Faded Love”; “Oklahoma, My Native Land”
Oregon “Oregon, My Oregon”
Pennsylvania “Pennsylvania”
Rhode Island “Rhode Island”
“Rhode Island, It’s for Me”
South Carolina “Carolina”
South Dakota “Hail, South Dakota!”
Tennessee “My Homeland, Tennessee”; “When It’s Iris Time in Tennessee”; “My Tennessee”; “The Tennessee Waltz”; “Rocky Top, Tennessee”
Texas “Texas, Our Texas”; “Bluebonnets”
Utah “Utah, This is the Place”
Vermont “These Green Mountains”
Washington “Washington, My Home”
West Virginia “The West Virginia Hills”; “This Is My West Virginia”; “West Virginia, My Home Sweet Home”
Wisconsin “On Wisconsin”
Wyoming “Wyoming”

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