Steel Aircraft Hangars – a Wise Investment

Metal aircraft buildings can offer maximum use of hangar space by utilizing clear-span construction methods. This approach eliminates the need for interior support columns while maintaining structural integrity, providing space for your aircraft up to 300 feet in width. Your building length is customized to your specific requirements for both aircraft size and tail height clearance. A pre-engineered steel hangar from a reputable company can house your Cessna two-seater or accommodate the wingspan of the aviation industry’s largest wide-body planes.
While evaluating your precise needs, are you allowing for future expansion possibilities? Perhaps you plan to incorporate an office area or service bays into your hangar space? If you are considering a traditional rectangle hangar, nested T-hangars or even a combination of both, the best steel building companies can help you design and construct your custom metal aircraft hangar while taking your current and future requirements into account. When the time is at hand to expand your operation, many companies work with designers who can help you fashion the perfect building to best suit your expectations.
Timing in the aviation industry is as critical a factor on the ground as it is in the air. Pre-engineered metal structures are an ideal choice for those challenged by a short construction timeline. Precision manufacturing at the factory allows for ease of construction when your building arrives at the project site. Pre-cut, pre-drilled and pre-welded components simply bolt together according to your custom designed plans and expert erector teams will construct your building, thus allowing you the freedom to attend your day-to-day business obligations.
When you partner with an experienced steel building company, you can be sure your project design is structurally sound. Buildings are often pre-engineered at the factory in a controlled environment with your local building codes incorporated in the plan design. The right steel building company will be happy to assist you with the requirements of large size hangar doors specific to the aviation industry. It’s easy to integrate bi-fold, bi-parting or stacking doors in your steel building design.
While your custom designed steel hangar is practical and durable, a variety of visually pleasing paint colors and trim styles can be incorporated to suit your aesthetic needs. You can count on the quality, versatility and durability of your hangar for years to come.