Steps How to Winterize the House

Winterizing the house signifies that people will no longer have to spend huge money on heating, as they have done before, with the payment of high electricity bills. Any homeowner’s main focus should be to reduce the energy expenses while improvising lifestyle and, side by side, rendering more comfort to the family. In winter it is imperative to take proper precautions to ensure that the house gets adequate heating. Although there are many ways to winterize a house; here are few step specified, which can be taken to turn the home to a much warmer place, even without turning up the heater this winter.
Firstly, winterizing of the house can be done effectively with a home energy audit. Secondly, have the heating system thoroughly checked to ensure you save heat, which could have otherwise resulted to the wastage of energy and increase in electricity bills. Moreover, you need to check if your windows and doors are properly sealed or not, so that the heat which comes out from your heater, don’t get wasted unnecessarily. If you can afford to have energy efficient windows, install those. These windows have been specifically designed to prevent heat loss. Now you can save your money with the installation of such windows. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, energy-efficient windows can reduce heating or cooling costs by as much as 20% to 30%.
Another area that deserves special consideration is gaps, cracks, and improper working equipment that may add cost to the bills. It is best to take precautions now. The more you wait, the more you will pay in excess toward the bills. Also check the house roof. It crucial to have the roof checked to ensure that there are no leaks or loose shingles. It is also vital to check the home’s foundation for any cracks or gaps, that needs to get sealed and repaired. Some houses have a basement or attic. If the house has a basement, consider protecting its windows well by covering them with plastic shields. Also seal every area in attic/ basement that need air sealing from everything, from attics to air-supply ducts.
Next, check all the pipes in the home, especially the ones that are located in areas which are not that frequently used, such as those in basements, attics, or crawling spaces. These pipes are more vulnerable to developing leaks or bursting during winter. So it is best to take precautionary steps beforehand and have them examined first and then insulated. In addition, make sure to check the home’s overall usages for insulation and figure out anything that is lacking. Immediately take required step to repair it. Inadequate insulation is one of the most frequent ways, by which a home loses its heat. By taking proper steps to ensure that you have enough insulation, you can actually save lost dollars that would be spent rather on the energy bill. For these tips & additional tips on wintering your home go to: