Steps to Help You Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

Do any of these New Year’s resolutions sound familiar? More than likely, many of us have created New Year’s resolutions. But how many of us have acutally STUCK to our resolutions? Year after year, it is the same old thing…resolutions are made, and then quickly broken. Sure, anyone can make a New Year’s resolution, but the hard part is actually sticking to those resolutions. There are many different ways to stick to those resolutions for the New Year. Some of the helpful ways of keeping your resolutons are to : write your resolutions down, tell a friend your resolutions, look for help with the resolution, remind
yourself, keep positive thoughts, don’t set your standards too high, plan everything out, create realistic goals, achieve those goals slowly, and to keep yourself flexible with the resolution.
One of the greatest ways to achieve your New Year’s resolutions is to write them all down! This sounds simple enough, but it truly helps. Write down why you want a particular resolution. Do you want to loose weight so you can fit into a good looking swimsuit come the summertime? If so, keep a journal of your daily progress towards achieveing that goal. A journal of your progress towards your goal is a great way to keep on track.
Telling a friend about your New Year’s resolution is another way to keep on track. A close friend that will support you and motivate you towards your resolution is a great way to keep your eye on your goal. It is believed that the more people you tell about your resolutions, the better your chances are towards achieving your goals. Your friends ca check up on you and
make sure that you are keeping good on your resolutions.
There are many resources available to help you towards your goal. Are you looking to quit smoking? There are many web sites, support groups, as well as literature, that can be available to you. With libraries, organizations, and counselors, there are many various resources available for you so you do not have to achieve your goals all alone.
Reminding yourself about your goals is also an excellent way to achieving your New Year’s resolutions. One of the many popular ways to loosing weight is to take a “before” picture. Visual images of yourself loosing weight and getting fit is a wonderful motivational tool. Not only are they a constant reminder, but they help you to stay focused.
Keep yourself positive! It is easy to gain negative thoughts, especially if you do not see immediate results. Give your resolution time. Great things were not achieved in one day. If you get off track, do not beat yourself up. Instead, make sure that you get back on track, and keep moving forward!
Do not set your standards too high. What exactly does this mean, you ask? It means that if you are looking to loose a lot of weight, that you will not loose all of it in a months time. This is not healthy, and you are more than likely setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead, create smaller goals along the way. Making it to the finish line is so much easier when it is
served in smaller portions, rather than one large one.
The goals that you create must be realistic. Creat goals that you know that you can achieve. If you know that you can not work out five days a week, then don’t! Working out three days a week is better than nothing at all! Breaking your goals down into small pieces and figuring out what it takes to achieve each small step is the best way to set a realistic goal.
Another aspect of creating an achieveable New Year’s resolution is to plan your goals out. Write down how you want to achieve your goals, and stick to it! It you are trying to quit biting your nails, get a nice manicure. With money well spent on keeping your nails nice, you will not want to ruin them.
An important factor to remember s to achieve you goals slowly. This means that you do not have to quit anything cold turkey. Often times, when people do this, they do not stick to their goal very long. Others that take the small steps every day are much more likely to not only achieve their goals, but stick to them as well.
Finally, it is important to remain flexible. You do not want to quit on a resolution if it is not immediately working. Instead of quittng, modify your resolution. If something is not working out, adjust your steps to where they will. Adjusting your New Year’s resolution is far better than quitting altogether.
So no matter what your New Year’s resolution is, whether it is to quit smoking, quit biting your nails, or to loose weight, it can be easily achieved. Keep yourself encouraged, remain positive, and stay on track. Your New Year’s resolutions CAN be achieved !