Steve Grand Shakes Perceptions of the LGBT Community

Steve Grand is a gay YouTube music sensation. His recent explosion onto the national spotlight is drawing attention to his music, his personal story, and to even challenging the Roman Catholic Church.

Who is this guy?

Steve Grand is a model turned musician. In the summer of 2013, his self-funded video, All American Boy, received massive attention. His song told a tale of unrequited love. Steve portrayed the gay guy who pines over another guy at a party. Unfortunately for Steve, the object of his affections is not gay.

The video captured the attention of many in the LGBT community. Steve was named the first gay county singer, even though he didn’t consider himself the first gay singer or only a country singer. Nonetheless, Steve has used his new fame for more than promoting his music.

Breaking Stereotypes

Steve does not play into some popular gay stereotypes. Yes, he is extremely fit and ridiculously attractive. But his demeanor and down to earth image have an all-American vibe.

But more importantly, he is just another guy trying to make it big on the music scene. Getting the attention of a music label is difficult enough. Being a gay singer would be even more challenging.

Overcoming that challenge, Steve raised money, got some friends together, and shot the video. He uploaded the video to YouTube, and it resonated instantly.

Supporting Gay Rights

Grand happens to be Roman Catholic. The Huffington Post reported on Steve’s opinion that gay Catholics shouldn’t shy away from the Church, but be active members of the community. Despite the friction between the Church hierarchy and gays, Steve believes that the only way to force change is to show that gays have the same values as everyone else.

This stance carries over to increasing gay rights overall. For if gays are open to their family, friends, and community, then more and more people will come to see them as just another color in the quilt that is America.

Power in Entertainment

Through his outspoken views and engaging music and videos, Steve Grand has once again revealed the power of entertainers to challenge existing stereotypes. Even a musician can have a great impact on a cause.

Grand’s success is not just one he can celebrate, but one that all LGBT Americans should revel in too. People like Steve propel many LBGT activists to continue the fight for acceptance and equal rights.

“All American Boy” — YouTube
“Steve Grand on Catholicism.” — Huffington Post

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