Stop Idolizing Celebrities

We are surrounded by celebrities everyday. The news and tabloids report what they did, who they went out with last night, and what they wore. Actresses, actors, singers, dancers, and other famous celebrities in show business seem to play important roles in our lives. As the public, we constantly feed our internal desires to learn more about the people who have achieved money, fame, and above all, success.

Why is this? It seems that ordinary professions can’t compete with those in the entertainment industry. Teachers, doctors, lawyers, and accountants don’t earn the type of idolization and money that entertainers receive. The media has controlled our perception of success, as we often imagine the red carpet, the flashing cameras, the fans, and the glitz and glamour. Instead of looking to our teachers in school, we see A-list celebrities as the superior achievers. Pop culture has consumed our lives. People spend hours watching celebrity gossip shows or reading tabloids. Others even name their newborn children after celebrities.

It seems that the idolization of celebrities doesn’t have its limits. People still idolize the celebrities who have exhibited drug and alcohol abuse, violent behavior, or other habits that can be characterized as unhealthy and a bad influence. Despite this type of behavior, these celebrities still make much more money that the ordinary person. Isn’t this a bit backward? We shouldn’t be celebrating these types of habits. However, the media continues to glorify these celebrities, contributing to the public’s infatuation of the famous people. In addition to celebrating negative influences, the media makes the consumer feel inferior to the people depicted in the magazines. As consumers, we often compare our lives to what we see on television. From our appearances to our incomes, the media’s glorification of celebrities has made us feel inferior. This shows the the media’s controlling influence on the consumers.

We need to stop accepting the media’s definition of success. The idolization of celebrities can be unhealthy. We need to celebrate our own lives, not the ones depicted in tabloids or on television.

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