Stop the Illegal Invasion Now!

It has now become obvious that most of our “leaders” ( politicians ), from top to bottom, do not have the political will or courage to stop and reverse the illegal invasion of the United States. The solution is so simple that even a plain old ordinary citizen like myself can think of the following ways to solve it, but our politicians lack the fortitude and political will to do so, and not stopping it could literally mean the end of the United States in the long term. For the first time in our history, we have a government that doesn’t have the political will to defend this country, and I think that’s disgusting.
The United States has been invaded by ( among others ) somewhere over 12 million people from Mexico, an extremely corrupt, increasingly socialist country, many of whom appear to want to “take back” the entire southwest and west for Mexico ( see the Mecha and Aztlan movements ) and have been waving Mexican flags in our streets and making vaguely threatening gestures about it. This, while they demand access and overwhelm our medical care and welfare systems.
They’ve even been mass-rallying in support of this illegal invasion and against anything being done about it. The liberal media calls these “immigrant rallies” but they are rallies supporting illegal invasion, let’s call it what it is. Few people in this country are against immigrants, yet 80% of the country is against this illegal invasion.
Most of those in our government seem intimidated by their threats, fearing loss of votes, and won’t do anything meaningful to stop the invasion. We’re having to rely on a few militia volunteers, to do the work that our government refuses to do, and they can’t possibly do it all by themselves. Not seriously, and not to seal the borders and stop the invasion. Not without becoming the “vigilantes” that the media falsely accuses them of being now.
In Congress all they do is talk of “compromise”, but if the invaders were 11 million north Koreans or 11 million Iranians, or 11 million communist Chinese, this talk of “compromise” wouldn’t be going on.
To make one thing very clear, it won’t be solved my making the people who are here now into retroactive felons. In fact that would be an unconstitutional ex post facto law and might not even stand up in the courts.
But there are very basic assertive ways to solve this illegal invasion in a cost effective manner that respects human rights.
1. SEAL the borders with troops first and maybe a wall later. But seal the borders! We have the military to do this. It’s the constitutional job of the military and the government to defend this country from illegal invasion.
2. Make it a felony with penalties of severe fines and imprisonment, to HIRE illegal immigrants, and ENFORCE IT. Start cracking down on companies that hire illegals, with stiff fines and prison sentences for those involved. Then you won’t have to round MOST of the invaders up, they will not find work and will leave on their own. I keep hearing media pundits talk about how impossible it would be to forcibly deport tens of millions of people. Well we don’t have to. Make hiring them a felony with stiff penalties, and ENFORCE them, and those tens of millions of people will leave, all on their own!
3. Cut off all health and welfare benefits for illegals and if they have children here, legislate that those children are NOT U.S. citizens, because their parents were illegally here when they were born.
4. If anyone still remains, a certain time after it becomes a felony to hire them, they should be suspected of criminal activities, tracked down and deported. If they want to come back in under a guest worker program, make them get in line behind all the people who have been waiting patiently to legally get into this country. And by all means arrest anyone who came here with the intent to harm Americans, for example the middle easterners from countries like Iran and Syria who sneak across the Mexican border into the U.S., and the violent criminal gangs who are invading our streets to sell death drugs.
5. After all that has been done, establish a guest worker program to legally fill any jobs that Americans don’t fill at any particular time, and if Americans later come along and want them, they should get them first by having the guest workers leave them.
Also, Steve Forbes says that he knows ways that Mexico could become very prosperous, so their people wouldn’t even want to come here. Listen to him, and get the Mexican government to listen to him. It involves eliminating socialism and corruption.
See how simple that is? No need for compromise and everyone can be treated with dignity and respect.
The Constitution says in Article 4, Section 4 that: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion;âÂ?¦”
Contact your political leaders and demand that they do their job!