
Strawflowers, which are also known as paper daisies, are amazingly beautiful annual flowers that are befittingly named. Strawflowers look like dried flowers, but strawflowers are actually one of the brightest most beautiful annual flowers you could choose for your yard or garden. The petals of strawflowers are intricate, and they are unique in color, texture, and design. Strawflowers a great choice for anyone wanting one of the most strikingly beautiful annual flowers provided by nature.

Description of Strawflowers

The colors of strawflowers are unique and extremely vivid. Strawflowers are available in various shades of yellow, orange, tan, red, pink, purple, and creamy white. Strawflowers are also available in unique bicolor varieties. The colorful blooms of strawflowers shimmer in the sunlight, and they appear to be coated by fine satin varnish.

The beautiful blooms of strawflowers are offset by narrow green leaves on tall graceful stems. The leaves of some varieties of strawflowers are greyish green and extremely eye-catching. People love strawflowers for their lovely foliage as well as the beauty of their brilliant annual blooms.

Strawflowers grow to a height ranging between eight and thirty-six inches, and strawflowers are available in dwarf varieties as well as taller varieties. When healthy and mature, strawflowers fill a garden or flowerbed with rainbows of color and amazing beauty. Consider growing strawflowers if you want annual flowers that will draw attention to your yard or garden.

Locations for Strawflowers

Strawflowers require full sun, low humidity, and they may be planted in containers if you don’t have adequate yard or garden space. Strawflowers make a beautiful annual border or backdrop for lower growing flowers of coordinating colors. White sweet alyssums would look lovely planted in the foreground of strawflowers. Use your imagination and choose flowers to plant with strawflowers for an outstanding annual garden display.

Before planting strawflowers it’s important to properly prepare the soil. Strawflowers require fine light-textured soil that drains well. Mix in compost or other organic matter to help make the soil more porous and light. Strawflowers will obtain vitamins from this nutrient-rich soil as well as gain healthier root systems.

Planting and Growing Strawflowers

In cooler hardiness zones, annual strawflower seeds can be planted in spring after all danger of frost has passed, and if you in a warmer climates, strawflowers may be planted in late winter or fall.

Strawflowers don’t transplant well, so if planting strawflower seeds, be sure to plant them exactly where you want them. The seeds of strawflowers are extremely tiny, so don’t be too concerned if you oversew them. Sprinkle the seeds upon well-worked fine soil, and lightly cover them. Water the ground lightly so the newly planted strawflower seeds aren’t washed away. When seedlings reach a height of about two inches, thin them to create a space of about eight inches between each plant.

While strawflowers are maturing, water them regularly, and after strawflowers are well established, water them deeply once a week. Make sure the soil is dry before watering your strawflowers again.

Strawflowers don’t require feeding, but to give your strawflowers a boost they may be given fertilizer that doesn’t contain phosphorus. Be sure to follow product label instructions specifically designated for strawflowers to achieve the best results.

As annual strawflower blooms fade away, deadhead the plants to keep them blooming all season long. When properly cared for annual strawflowers will bloom for many weeks in spring, summer, and well into the fall.

Uses for Strawflowers

Strawflowers are favorites of florists and others who decorate with annual flowers. This is because strawflowers are excellent cut flowers, and they look stunning in a vase or in a floral arrangement.

While strawflowers are alive and growing they look like dried flowers, and this makes strawflowers excellent flowers for drying. Dried strawflowers keep their vivid colors and brilliance, and dried strawflowers make a stunning annual display. Use dried strawflowers in a floral centerpiece and consider decorating wrapped gifts with beautiful strawflowers tied together with satin ribbons.

Strawflowers are fantastic annual if you want to add color and beauty to your outdoor landscape, and besides providing beauty outdoors, strawflowers can be enjoyed indoors as well. Consider planting annual strawflowers, and enjoy the beauty these wonderful annuals provide all year long.

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