Stress Level Increases Allergy!

According to a new study in Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, an important link has been found between mental stress and physical inflammation or allergy. Regulator T cells increase sharply in number in response to stress. The study also shows the following facts:
Blood concentration of a group of inflammation products called cytokines changed and shifted against a pattern associated with allergic inflammation.
The regulator T cells are dysfunctional in people with allergies.
Stress is a state of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium.
Stress is an unavoidable effect of living and is an especially complex phenomenon in modern technological society. It has been linked to coronary heart disease, psychosomatic disorders, and various other mental and physical problems. Treatment usually consists of a combination of counseling or psychotherapy and medication.
Jogging is an anerobic exercise involving running at an easy pace. Jogging (1967) by Bill Bowerman and W.E. Harris boosted jogging’s popularity for fitness, weight loss, and stress relief.
T-cell with the B cell, one of the two main types of white blood cell, essential parts of the immune system. T cells originate in the bone marrow, mature in the thymus, and travel in the blood to other lymphoid tissues, such as the spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes. Through receptor molecules on their surfaces, T cells directly attack invaders (antigens) by binding to them and helping remove them from the body. Because the body contains millions of T and B cells, many of which carry unique receptors, it can respond to virtually any antigen.
Allergy is an exaggerated reaction by the body to foreign substances that are harmless to most people.
Those substances, called allergens or antigens, may include pollens, drugs, dusts, foods, and other items. Immediate allergic reactions result from genetic predisposition or sensitization by previous exposure. Blood vessels dilate and bronchial air passages constrict. A severe reaction (anaphylaxis) can obstruct breathing and may be fatal. Delayed allergic responses (e.g., contact dermatitis) appear 12 hours or more after exposure. Avoiding allergens and taking antihistamines can prevent or treat allergies. When avoidance is not feasible and antihistamines do not relieve symptoms, desensitization can be attempted.