Stripping and Refinishing Kitchen Cabinets

You can strip down your kitchen cabinets in different ways. You can scrape them or you can use a solvent that will take off the old finish. The second way is by far the easiest, however the first way is always more thorough. Before you attempt this, cover your floors with plastic or newspaper, unless you are planning to change them too. If you are not, then just leave them uncovered and clean up afterwards.
Make sure that the surface of your cabinets is totally clean of smudges and dirt before you start to refinish them. Smudges and dirt can leave bumps when you begin to refinish them. Do a thorough job no matter how you decide to strip them. Now, when you are ready to refinish them, make sure that you have the windows open to give you proper ventilation. You don’t want to breathe in the odors from the new finish for too long. Once you have the proper ventilation begin refinishing the cabinets. Be sure that you have and equal coat on all parts of the cabinet. Watch for drips and catch them quickly. If you notice areas that need redone, remove the new finish and begin again. You want it to look great when you are finished, so don’t hesitate to redo them if you need to.
Refinishing the cabinets can be time consuming. Don’t rush it. Space your time. You will also need time to let them dry, so keep that in mind. Don’t let anyone touch the cabinets for approximately twenty four hours. You will want to give it that much time, so make sure that you remove items that people in the house will need while you are working on it. That way they will not need to go into the cabinets and put smudges or mess up the new finish before it dries.
Because this job can be time consuming make sure that you pick a finish that you are going to be happy with for a time. You can always redo it later, but you might want to make sure that it is something that you really like before attempting the job. Patience and care are the only thing that you really need when you are attempting this job. It will go smoothly if you have those. Then, after you are finished of course you need to have a celebration so that others can see what a great job you did. They will appreciate it very much, because they might not want to attempt it themselves.