Stripping and Removing Wallpaper the Easy Way

Wallpaper can turn plain walls into colorful works of art, but many people avoid wallpaper because they are under the impression that stripping and removing wallpaper isn’t easy. Hanging wallpaper doesn’t seem nearly as arduous since it’s something new and exciting, but stripping and removing old wallpaper is considered a chore. Wallpaper isn’t always easy to remove, even strippable wallpaper.

Don’t avoid wallpaper because it might not be easy to remove. There are methods of stripping and removing wallpaper that make the task of removing wallpaper simple and very easy. Once you try these tips and suggestions for removing wallpaper you won’t think twice about hanging wallpaper again. These methods of stripping and removing wallpaper will help you remove old wallpaper with minimal tension and effort.

Before using any type of wallpaper stripper, remove as much as you can by hand. The top layer of wallpaper is usually easy to remove, but sometimes sheets of wallpaper separate. The bottom layer that is glued to the wall can be very stubborn. If the wall wasn’t painted before the wallpaper was hung, removing the wallpaper will probably be far from easy.

Precautions to Consider Before Removing Wallpaper

Stripping and removing wallpaper can be a messy task. Before starting to remove old wallpaper, make sure the floor and nearby furniture is protected with plastic or other tarp material.

Many people use scoring tools before attempting to remove old wallpaper. A scoring tool creates small holes in the wallpaper, and after the wallpaper is wet, the holes allow the wallpaper to better absorb the water. When the wallpaper is fully saturated, it comes off fairly easy, but scoring tools have been known to make indentations in drywall. If you plan on using a scoring tool don’t use too much pressure. Experiment in a small inconspicuous area before scoring an entire wall.

Commercial Products

There are commercial products that can make stripping and removing wallpaper easy. These products can be very helpful, but if you have a large area to strip, although they are easy to use, store-bought products can become quite expensive. Before resorting to buying store-bought wallpaper stripper, try the following homemade products for removing wallpaper the easy way. In most cases, these homemade products for stripping and removing wallpaper are as good as or better than store-bought products. Store-bought products for stripping and removing wallpaper tend to be more irritating to the skin too. Start with cheaper homemade products for stripping and removing wallpaper before resorting to buying wallpaper stripper from the store. Chances are the following homemade wallpaper stripping products will work surprisingly well, and you’ll save money in the process.

Fabric Softener

Many people swear by this easy method of stripping and removing wallpaper. Simply pour about five ounces of liquid fabric softener into a sixteen-ounce spray bottle, and finish filling the bottle with hot water. Shake the bottle well, and spray the mixture on the wallpaper. Allow the fabric softener and hot water to soak in for about ten minutes. After the wallpaper and glue has softened, scrape the wallpaper off using a nylon scrapper. This mixture is easy to use and your room will smell delightfully clean and fresh.

Dishwashing Liquid

Dishwashing liquid that contains degreaser is said to make the chore of stripping and removing wallpaper very easy. People who have used dishwashing liquid recommend Dawn for removing stubborn wallpaper. Those with unpainted walls beneath their wallpaper will find this method of stripping and removing old wallpaper especially easy and very simple.

Simply mix about one ounce of Dawn dishwashing liquid with about fifteen ounces of hot water. Spray this mixture on the wall, one section at a time, and allow it to soak in for about ten minutes. The wallpaper should be very easy to remove with a nylon scrapper.


Many people have found vinegar to be helpful in stripping and removing old wallpaper. The acid in the vinegar naturally softens the paper and dissolves the glue. Personally I would try the other easy methods of stripping and removing wallpaper first, since vinegar has a very strong odor. Many people don’t find the smell of vinegar offensive, so if the odor of vinegar doesn’t bother you, give this easy method a try if your wallpaper is exceptionally stubborn.

Mix about eight ounces of white vinegar with about eight ounces of hot water. Spray this mixture on the wallpaper, and let it soak in for about ten minutes, or until the wallpaper is sufficiently soft. Scrape off the old wallpaper with a nylon scrapper. Although your room will temporarily smell like vinegar, your walls will be ready for a new look.

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