Strokes and the Warning Signs

What is a stroke? What are signs of a stroke? Can a stroke be prevented? Who has strokes?

When a stroke happens it deprives the brain of oxygen which will then cause damage to the brain cells. Anyone can have a stroke. But nearly three-fourth of all stroke victims are over the age of 65. Strokes take the lives of hundreds of thousands each year. Most people do not know how to spot the warning signs of a stroke. If people were more educated on strokes, some strokes could be prevented. The most common symptoms of a stroke are:

– Numbness or weakness of the face, leg, or arm on one side of the body

– Loss of speech or slurred speech

– Falling for no reason

– Feeling dizzy for no reason

– Sudden headaches that can’t be explained

If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms you should seek help right away. Getting help very quickly could save your life. A stroke is the third leading killer in the United States. The ones who survive strokes are often left with mental or physical problems. The risk of having a stroke can be reduced by the following:

– Exercising – Exercising even a little a day can reduce your chance of having a stroke.

– Stop Smoking – People who stop smoking also reduce their risk of having a stroke.

– Fruit and Vegetables – By eating your fruits and vegetables you can reduce your chances of having a stroke.

– Vitamin C & E – Take in plenty vitamin C and E to reduce your chances of a stroke.

A stroke can not be completely avoided by doing all of these things. But these things can help prevent a stroke from happening in some people.

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