Substance Abuse Treatment Options in Miami, FL

Miami. The name alone brings to mind South Beach nightclubs, spring break parties, fun in the sun with a few margaritas poolside. But for many people, drugs an alcohol don’t represent recreation, but life-ruining addictions which they cannot control. In the Miami-area, there are places addicts, or those who have substance abusing loved ones, can turn for help in conquering addiction and regaining control of life.

Better Way of Miami, Inc ( 800 NW 28th St, 305-634-3409) offers several levels of substance abuse treatment. A non-profit organization dedicated to helping low-income clients with not only substance abuse, but also mental health and homelessness, Better Way of Miami offers in-patient/residential and outpatient programs. The residential program, according to the organization website (, lasts an average of 61 days for clients. It is for clients who are still in denial of their issues and include counseling and introduction to the 12-step program. After consistent sobriety and participation, the client may advance to day/night outpatient care. This is a stage of recovery where clients can participate in the “outside world,” working, going to school, while living in Better Way housing and receiving “intensive” recovery treatment including counseling and family therapy. This stage of the Better Way program, according to the website, lasts three to five months. Upon successful completion of this program, the client enters outpatient recovery, where he or she can continue to take advantage of Better Way counseling services. Better Way of Miami especially looks to help homeless/impoverished addicts.

Another substance abuse treatment option in Miami is The Village (3180 Biscayne Boulevard (305) 573-DRUG / 1-800-443-3784). According to the website, the organization’s mission is “to improve the health and well being of individuals, families and their communities impacted by substance abuse, mental disorder and other related social problems.” There are 26 buildings at the Village and many different client groups can find help here. Programs especially geared towards males, females, girls, boys, Spanish-speaking, Haitian and pregnant women can be found at The Village. There are also separate locations where male and female adolescents with dual diagnoses (mental illness and drug addiction) respectively are treated.

Total Rehab Services, Inc. (4011 West Flagler Street, Suite 206 Miami, FL 33134 Phone: 305-644-7294) takes a “holistic” approach to substance abuse treatment according to its website ( The organization believes lasting recovery can be attained by “focusing on readjusting the biochemical and mental imbalances, as well as nutritional, and bioenergetic deficiencies at the same time.” Substance abuse treatment provide here includes not only psychotherapy and family counseling, but also acupuncture, Chinese herb therapy, amino acid therapy, massage and biofeedback. “Clinical Intervention” lasts three to five months according to the website. The website boast of an “80%” recovery rate among program graduates.

Substance abuse is a problem afflicting millions of Americans and their families. If you feel your consumption of drugs or alcohol is controlling your life, or the life of a loved one, consult your family doctor or a substance abuse professional to figure out a plan for recovering and regaining power over your future.

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