Suggested Wedding Photographers in Atlanta

My husband and I were married in April 2003. It was the second marriage for both of us and we planned it all ourselves. Thankfully, I was blessed with both my mother’s sense of organization and my father’s attention to detail, so planning a wedding was a piece of cake (no pun intended) for us.

My father is an excellent photography hobbyist and offered to photograph our wedding, but I didn’t want him to be behind the scenes of my wedding – I wanted him in the forefront. As it turns out, a co-worker got married a few months before us, and they used a photographer who also happened to be a college friend of theirs. They highly recommended him and, after looking at the pictures of their wedding, we were convinced.

The photographer is Matt Adcock and he is one of the most talented and brilliant photographers I’ve seen. He specializes in wedding photojournalism (though his talents reach far beyond wedding photography) and is an award-winning member of the Wedding Photojournalist Association.

For our special day, he came to the house on the morning of the wedding and took candid shots of me, my daughter, my stepdaughter and my best friends preparing for the big event. He took pictures of my hairdresser/makeup technician applying makeup and fixing our hair, pictures of my stepdaughter in her room playing her toy set of drums in her dress-up outfit, and many other shots that are outside the box of the normal wedding photos. This included a shot from the outside of the house of my daughter’s bridesmaid dress hanging in the window, and my cat sitting below it, looking out the window. He also hung my wedding dress in the window with the light coming in behind it and took a picture of my daughter and my stepdaughter, each wrapped in the skirt of my dress, looking out the window with the light shining on their faces. Those are two of my favorite pictures.

At the church, Matt took a beautiful shot of me in my dress, from the back, with the light shining from in front of me down the hall toward him. It was one of those moments of inspiration he gets, completely unplanned, and the result was gorgeous. Of course, he indulged our ever-traditional wishes for the “standard” wedding shots, but even those were beyond our expectations. Some of the pictures he developed in black and white, some in sepia tones, and some in color. They were all beautiful.

Essentially, Matt spent the entire day with us and captured those moments you normally never see in wedding albums. He is blessed with an amazing talent and we feel lucky to have the pleasure of knowing him and having him capture our very special day so beautifully.

There is no way to describe in words the pictures he takes. His web site, which I’ve provided below, will tell its own stories. Even if you don’t need a wedding photographer or a portrait photographer at the moment, don’t miss visiting his site. It will take your breath away.

At this point, I must also tout the talents of another Atlanta photographer who specializes in studio photography, as well as weddings, Bar’ Mitzvahs and fine art. He also happens to be a friend and neighbor of my brother and sister-in-law.

Harold Alan Photographers is located in Dunwoody, Georgia, just outside of Atlanta. He has a creative and innovative approach to photography which is apparent in his work. Harold has won numerous awards for his various aspects of photography and they are well-deserved.

Harold’s studio is located in the same building as my husband’s and brother-in-law’s newest office location, and he offered free portraits for the employees and their families that attended the open house of the new space. The portraits were wonderful.

We had an opportunity to see some of Harold’s work that is displayed in his studio. He also uses the technique of developing certain shots in black and white or sepia tones, and they turn out so beautifully. He clearly has an eye for photography and knows how to bring out the best in his subjects, including his commercial photographs.

Each spring, Harold photographs my nieces for portraits that hang in the foyer of their home. Generally, he takes the pictures somewhere in their house or in the yard, and they are always gorgeous.

I’ve provided Harold’s web site below, as well. Take a look and see some of his featured photographs. I believe you’ll be very impressed.

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