Summer Arts Camps for Kids in the Boston Area

Museum of Fine Arts offers week-long arts camps throughout the summer, beginning in June thru September. Age groups are broken down: 6-8 year olds, 9-12 year olds. There are morning and full-day sessions. Each week of classes cost $175 for MFA members, $210 for non-members. Activities include art activities like painting, sculpting and drawing and tours of the museum. Art educators teach the classes. Sessions focus on themes like Asian Art, Art of the Americas, African Art, etc.
The School of the MFA also has a Young Artists Program for kids 13-15. Two week-long sessions are offered, each focusing on a different kind of art and also offers a pre-college studio program for high school students planning to study the arts in college.
Theater Arts Program: Brookline Smart Summers (617-730-2700.) Students ages 8-12 put together theater productions with the help of professionals. The write a script, do choreography, design sets and perform. The program runs through July, weekdays 8:30-4PM.
Keys for Kids Summer Arts Camp (Lexington, (781) 274-9729). This program offers kids 6-11 opportunties in theater, dance, and music. Each of six one-week sessions offers a different theme. Arts professsionals are instructors. Students put together performances handling things ranging from performance to costume design.
Boston Children’s Theater (617.424.6634) offers summer theater programs for younger kids ages 2-7 and a touring theater group opportunity called Teen Stagemobile Touring Company for older kids who enjoy performing.
KidsStock Creative Theater Education Center (Winchester, 781-729-5543) offers two week camps in theater arts. Students can write and perform in plays, learn backstage crafts and take part in the business end of theater- box office sales, etc. Performances take place in a 75-seat theater. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required. Check program for more fees. Daycare and food is provided for an additional cost.
Lyric First Stage (Boston, 617-437-7172 ext 14) has a program for students age 14-20. The program is geared towards helping aspiring performers improve their abilities in Shakespeare and Musical Theater. Voice training, movement classes, and workshops are included in the program. The five-week session price is $1000 per student.
NY Film Academy At Harvard: Filmmaking & Acting Camp
(Cambridge; phone: 212-674-4300). This camp, affiliated with the NY Film Academy, provides students age 14-18 with “hands on” acting and filmmaking experience. Students have opportunities to shooting, write, and perform in films.
The cost for a week session is in the $1000-$2000 range.
Boston Conservatory Summer Institute (Boston, 617-536-6340)
This camp offers high school students an intensive choral studies experience. Held at one of New England’s most presitgious music colleges.
New England Conservatory Prep Young Performers Program offers a “Junior Institute” day long and two-day long workshops on specific instruments like piano and bass and runs a three-week chamber orchestra program that runs weekdays 8:30-3:30 (tuition for the orchestra program is $1500 with early registrants and sibling discounts available).
Community Music Center of Boston Summerarts Program (Boston, South End, 617.482.7494)
Students can participate in music, art, dance or drama in small groups. Four 1-week sessions. The program includes interacting with professionals in the arts and taking field trips.