Summer Fun with Waterballoons

Its summer time and the kids are home from school. Like most kids if it is hot they are probably out looking for some relief from the heat. Not everyone can afford to buy a swimming pool or take their kids to the pool. So why not come up with something creative for you and your kids to do. One thing that all kids seem to love is water balloons. You can find huge bags of water balloons at any dollar store. Then you just attach the balloon to the faucet and allow it to fill with water. Do not over fill the balloon or it will pop. Or you will not be able to tie it. Make sure you fill at least one bucket of balloons for you and one for each kid. Then the best thing to do is divide everyone up into teams and count to three and throw.

Some parents tend to think that you can get hurt playing with water balloons. I have been doing this with my children for years and so have many of the other parents I know, and no one has every gotten hurt. Before you begin however you want to make sure that everyone knows the rules. Rule number one should be to make sure that you do not throw it at anyone face. If anyone wears glasses I would highly recommend that they take them off while playing this game. Any child who wants to play this game, should be at least 5 and over.

Anyone younger is really too fragile to play this type of game. For the little ones you can give them balloons and let them throw it at a target such as yourself. Little kids thing the funniest thing is to see mommy get soaking wet. It is also a great way to wear any child out in the summer time. Another idea for a water balloon game is to have a relay race. First give each child a water balloon and have them line up in a straight row. Then at least several feet in front of your child set up a row of water balloons. Make sure that each balloon is a different color.

Then assign each child a different color balloon. The objective of the game is the first one to sit on their balloon and break it wins. Make sure you explain to them that they have to sit on their balloon, so they need to remember their color. This is a great game for children of any ages, and even adults can enjoy themselves with this one. Try coming up with some of your own creative ideas or games for water balloons. Your kids will have hours of fun, and so will you.

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