Summer Heat – Handy Tips on How to Save Your Outdoor Dogs from The

Two Necessities That Will Help Keep Your Dogs Cool
There are two requirements that will help keep your outside dog cool in the summer heat: 1) Plenty of fresh, cool water at all times, and 2) Plenty of shade. When the temperature’s hot/humid, I change Reb’s water about three times a day. I’m never surprised that she’ll go for her water dish after she sees I have refilled it. Cooler water is, of course, much more refreshing and thirst-quenching than warm water.
When I worked away from home, I used an average-sized water dish (for a large dog) during the cooler months. But, during the hotter months, I switched over to using a much larger pan for Reb’s water so she wouldn’t run out while I was at work. I place her water dish or pan in a shady spot to help keep it cooler too. Having plenty of fresh, cool water at all times is an essential tip on how to save your outdoor dogs from the summer heat.
If your outside dogs love to munch on ice cubes, give them some throughout the day to help cool them down and keep them hydrated at the same time. Or, you can buy them frozen treats like Frosty Paws brand. You can even make your own homemade frozen treats called “Pupsicles.” Simply pour some slightly watered-down beef or chicken broth into several DixieÃ?® cups. Set the cups in the freezer until the broth has just started to freeze. Then, place a jerky stick into each cup so one end is standing up. Put them back in the freezer and let them harden up. Before, you give your outside dogs “Pupsicles” to help save them from the summer heat, just remove the DixieÃ?® cup first.
Your Dog Needs Plenty of Deep Shade Too
Leafy trees and dense bushes can offer shade for your outside dog. But, during the scorching summer heat, your pet needs a place s/he can go where the shade is more intense and cooler. The perfect spot may be a well-insulated dog house that’s has a thermal cover placed over it. Thermal covers reflect the sun’s heat to help save your outdoor dogs from the summer heat. Check your local pet supply store for availability, or perform a search on the Internet.
Kiddie Wading Pools to the Rescue!
If your outside pooches love to splash around in water, then buying them a small, inexpensive kiddie pool can help make them more comfortable this summer. Fill a wading pool with a few/several inches of water, (depending on the size of your dog) then let Fido splash around all s/he wants!
Or, check your local pet supply store, or perform a search on the Internet, for swimming pools that are specially designed for dogs, such as the ones sold by “One Dog One Bone Enterprises Incorporated”, located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Caution: For safety’s sake, never leave your dog unattended when s/he is escaping the summer heat in a pool.
You can also fill a large spray bottle with cool water to give your outdoor dog refreshing spritzers. Reb likes that too, as long as she doesn’t get sprayed in the face.