Summer Movie Preview

The summer cinematic hopefuls kick off in May with the much anticipated DaVinci Code staring Tom Hanks. Dan Brown’s blockbuster book turned movie has been touted through its creation, to a courtroom in London and back for the premiere. The jury is still out on initial reactions but it promises to make at least as much money as it took to make it. On screen two Mission Impossible 3 blazes onto the scene with Tom Cruise firmly planted in the driver seat. (Baby seat in the back) many have suggested that the third installment of Mission Impossible will be less then perfect but with as much press as Cruise has garnished lately, a lot of people will go out of curiosity.
Even further down the path of summer the ships sails again with yet another massive remake of the Poseidon Adventure. This movie has already been reportedly over budget in special effects so it will be interesting to see what they have done with it. Finally, the most anticipated Disney addition to this summers race will be Johnny Depp’s next swaggering performance in Pirates of the Caribbean; Deadman’s Chest. Depp’s character Jack Sparrow always delivers a performance to be reckoned with and this much sought after movie promises to rake in the big bucks as adults and kids alike flock to theaters to see what Jack Sparrow is up to this time.
This summer’s movie list is sure to have something for everyone. Kids will have “Cars” by Pixar, and Over the Hedge, while adults can enjoy Just my Luck and Miami Vice as well as others. It is anyone’s guess how this summers movies will shake out but one thing is sure, people will be in theaters in between trips to the beach.