Summer Vacationing in Manchester, Vermont

When people think of Vermont they ordinarily think of snow covered mountains, great skiing and maple syrup. But surprisingly enough, vacationers may discover that Manchester, Vermont is also a special place to visit and enjoy when the summer months roll around. Manchester, Vermont is the focal point of a very special vacationing experience featuring some of the best shopping, most unique historical sights and wonderful recreational activities. Because Manchester Vermont is set in the most idyllic of locations nestled in a valley near the calm, cool Green Mountains of Vermont, vacationing in Manchester, Vermont can provide a summer vacation that is relaxing, refreshing and memorable for all age groups.
What may draw you initially to Manchester, Vermont during summer vacation is the incredible collection of outlets, eateries, bed and breakfasts, and specialty shops along Vermont’s historic Route 7A. In fact the shopping opportunities and the availability of unbeatable bargains for great name merchandise have given truth to the Manchester, Vermont claim to be the “Fifth Avenue in the Mountains”. Major clothiers like Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers and J. Crew offer their wares at greatly discounted prices but that’s not all. Up and down 7A you will find car stopping sales on merchandise of every kind including books, jewelry, shoes, household items, art works, even ice cream. For the veteran shopper, the bargain hunter or the casual browser Manchester, Vermont offers the kind of shopping fit to be the centerpiece of an entire vacation experience.
In between shopping expeditions you will find that there is lots more to do in and around Manchester, Vermont. If you want to cool down on warm summer day, you are only miles from Vermont’s Green Mountain range. While you are staying in Manchester a short drive will take you to Emerald Lake State Park where you can spend the day swimming, boating, picnicking, hiking and just enjoying the beauty and serenity that surround you. For camping enthusiasts there are more than 100 campsites available for you to use for an overnight stay. If you like the idea of being close to nature and sleeping under the open skies you may want to sign up to use one of 36 lean-tos that Emerald Lake State Park makes available. The lean-to shelters you on three sides with the fourth side remaining open . You get all the benefits of a shelter while still feeling like you are under the stars.
Staying in Manchester, Vermont also puts you in prime location for some very interesting sight seeing. Nearby is historic Hildene worth at least a half day of your time to explore and enjoy. During the summers of 1863 and 1864 Abraham Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, and their son Robert came to Manchester Village to vacation. Robert was so drawn to the location that years later in 1905 he returned to Manchester and built the mansion which he named Hildene. There descendants of Abraham Lincoln lived until 1975. For visitors the site is a marvelous connection not only to Robert Lincoln but to the entire Lincoln family. Special features in the mansion include a magnificent Aeolian Pipe Organ which is played each day and a regal stairway used by brides who reserve Hildene well in advance for their ceremony. Hildene also houses a permanent collection of Lincoln family memorabilia including items directly connected to the life of President Lincoln. The Hildene estate covers 412 acres of scenic Vermont landscape and visitors are encouraged to walk about and enjoy the grounds and the incredibile view..
If you choose to stay in Manchester, Vermont you have also put yourself within range for exploring the ancestral home of President Calvin Coolidge. Hardly as majestic as Hildene , the simple home of Calvin Coolidge is located to the north of Manchester in Plymouth, Vermont. For a very modest fee visitors can walk the street of the town where Coolidge was born and raised, sit in the simple country church where his family worshiped and visit the site where he was sworn in to office after the death of Warren G. Harding. Quiet, quaint and peaceful the setting of the Coolidge family home does much to explain the nature of the man contemporaries called “Silent Cal”. You will leave the little village feeling like you have taken a refreshing step back in time and experienced a bit of true Americana.
Traveling in a southerly direction from Manchester you won’t have to go far before arriving at Bennington, Vermont. scene of an historic battle of the American Revolution and now site of the Vermont Bennington Battle Monument. In August of 1777 British forces tried to seize badly needed supplies at this site but were repulsed by the combined efforts of Vermont’s Green Mountain Boys and New Hampshire Militiamen. As a result of the colonial victory the British were denied materials that could have enabled them to emerge successful from the October Battle of Saratoga, NY which was a main turning point in the American Revolution. The stand made by the colonials here is commemorated by a statue which includes an elevator which takes tourists to a height from which they can experience a panoramic view the field of battle .
One final spot of historic interest you won’t want to miss if you go to Manchester is the unparalleled Equinox a hotel and resort built in 1769. It offers golf , fishing and yes even falconry and is the recipient of AAA Four Diamond Awards for 14 consecutive years. Here Mary Todd Lincoln came with her son Robert to spend two peaceful summer vacations away from the rigors of Washington for Mary and the equally rigorous atmosphere of Harvard where Robert was enrolled. The Lincoln’s planned to return to Manchester,. Vermont and Equinox in 1865 as a family but the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in April of 1865 ended his life as well their plans to share the peace and quiet of Vermont together.
As much as there is to see and do in the Manchester area don’t get too caught up in the history and scenic beauty because anyone who has ever visited Manchester, Vermont will tell you , you’ll need lots of time for shopping , shopping, shopping.