SuperFly Kids Poncho: First Person Review
Review of the Item
My daughter’s poncho arrived in time for a hike I was taking her on to a nearby lake. As I hiked with my daughter, I did some storytelling to amuse her and to help her work on her comprehension. After telling the story of little red riding hood, I asked my daughter to act the story out. Walking in the woods, my daughter did an adorable impression of a little girl lost in the woods holding an imaginary basket and looking for grandmother. Acting out the story helped my daughter build prosody, which helped aid her comprehension of the story.
Because movement is a brain based learning technique, the movement of the lesson, walking through the story, helped teach my daughter the story. Using movement to go through the motions of a story was supported by Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. The bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, which entails movement and physical action, supported the idea of having my daughter use her actions to walk through the story. Giving the main character a purple cape – instead of red – made the story a fractured fairy tale. Although I didn’t explain fractured fairy tales to my daughter because that is a second or third grade concept, I liked introducing a concept early to help her become familiar with the term.
As a practical mom looking for durability, I liked that the poncho was made out of a warm, fleece material. The thick fabric kept my daughter warm during outdoor play. As my daughter ran to the door, racing to beat me, she fell on the concrete, which made me notice that the thickness of the fabric protected her skin. Material used to make the product adds to its’ durability. Colorful details with vibrant patterns help make the product very appealing to kids.
I received a free item to help inform my writing.
The Contributor was given a gift or sample to inform this content.