Supplemental Income Source for Single Parents: Internet Marketing

Single parents are turning to supplemental, second income sources via internet marketing at astounding rates and it’s no wonder. Most single parents are living below the poverty level, most are struggling just to have food in the house, let alone afford such luxuries as a good running vehicle, a vacation (away from the home), or even new outfit to wear to a job interview.

Since the majority of single parents are lacking a degree, many have to take jobs that just do not allow them to survive without some type of state assistance. They look online for ways to make money at home, spending money they don’t have on promises that in most cases, will not be delivered. But many of them are succeeding at businesses using their own hobbies, talents and skills, drawing on past experience to find unconventional paths to success.

Single parents who are short on resources and cash have found allies in internet marketing. There are several sources for making money online that don’t involve the typically redundant programs saturating the internet. The great thing about America is the fact that you still have the opportunity to be an individual. Single parents are learning this individuality can be very profitable.

With that said, there are several avenues in which you can succeed in online business, by using your own God-given gifts, skills and talents. Not only that, you can get help developing your idea, product or service, get funding to get it started, find people to promote it and it can cost you next to nothing.

I recently purchased a book titled “Single Parents Cash and Sources Guide“. I found this on a single parents site and it was shipped to me hard copy. It contained over 80 pages of hard resources aimed specifically at helping disadvantaged parents. There were tons of free grants and loans for just about every necessity from emergency cash to medical costs, as well as educational and business development grants . . . for single parents.

The book included who to write to, and where to get tips on grant writing, there were sources in there for free furniture, baby items, cars, career clothing, job training, college, work at home sources, medical travel, food, grants for vacations . . . all for single parents. Everything you can think of to help make distressful situations more manageble. The woman who compiled the book was a disabled, single parent who used some of those very resources to not only survive, but start her own mail order business and become an award winning song writer!

She did all of the above without the aide of the internet gurus or a web site of her own. Today, her book has expanded with resources and she offers a PDF format version as well as the hard copy which can be shipped to your home. She is now working on a web site called, where single parents can get help, support and assistance in getting a business of their own developed and marketed. Her book is currently marketed through Ghostwriter Advertising Agency at

Another interesting resource I found for young mothers as well as single parents is which has ideas and business kits to start just about any business imaginable from home. Liz Folger also supplies a great bulletin board with business ideas, scams to watch out for, articles on business start up, e-classes on business for the single parent or stay at home mom. Their business kits vary in price and come with six month client support to help you get started in the business of your choice, the right way. What’s nice is that they also offer a sample video and chat for each course, so you can ask questions for each course to make sure you will like the business you decide to start.

Both sites offer resources for finding ideas for a business, marketing tips and methods and free tools and tutorials. I interviewed one woman who spend the last five years home schooling her children and supporting her family with marketing affiliate programs. She wasn’t an internet guru, but stumbled upon a little trick by making a mistake in her ad copy. She repeated this mistake and it brought her up to $1,500 a day in extra income. Another single parent wrote and sold instructions on home schooling her children. Another single mom makes natural soaps and brings in almost $90,000. Her children help her.

Most people know what they are good at and what they enjoy doing. Knowing how to tap into your interests and talents and turn them into a profitable service or business may not be so easy. But you can find plenty of free information on how to get started on the internet.

I know there are a lot of seductive, work at home e-books, courses and opportunities out there. Single parents should make sure they are in a position to take a calculated risk before spending money on an aggressive sales site. Until they are, at the very least take advantage of the free help, sources and assistance that are out there, to put yourself in a better position. Your best chance for success is in developing an idea that revolves around your own skills, talents and gifts. And wherever available, single parents, use the help that is available from people that set up organizations specifically to help you.

You can get the most free information just by doing a search on articles or forums talking about the subject matter you are interested in pursuing. There is also help out there, specifically for single parents, for starting a business, taking a class or even completing a degree and you can do all that from the comfort of your own home, with your children right there.

Given the economy of today, it is almost impossible for a household with more than one child to survive on one income. And trying to work two jobs with children to care for can be detrimental to their well being as well as your peace of mind. Take advantage of the help that is available to assist you in building financial sovereignty using your own talents, interests, skills and gifts. There is funding available to help you get started, there are people and support groups set up to help you and lots of free advice and tips from other single parents that have done it.

Not only is it a viable solution to taking control of your financial future, it’s a much more obtainable goal than trying to work two jobs outside the home and still have the valuable time with your children.

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