Supplies Needed for Stocking a Sewing Room

Of course you need a machine and all that accompanies it. You’ll also need hand needles of all sizes, possibly even curved ones (for pillow closing). An assortment of thread is another necessity. Some suggestions are cotton threads, nylon or metallic. You’ll need thick threads for sewing heavy cloth and lighter-weight threads for silky or delicate fabrics.
Stocking fabrics is tricky business. Don’t run out and buy a huge load of materials. Purchase cloth when you happen to be shopping at that particular store, buy cloth when it’s on sale, or just put back fabrics that you want to recycle, like sheet sets.
Some other supplies are hard to stock since you never know what size you’ll need. Zippers and buttons are good examples. Check mark-down bins for assorted notions that have been reduced. But, avoid things you know good and well you won’t use, like a neon-orange zipper, just because it’s on sale. Besides buttons and zippers, you’ll need snaps, hook-and-eye sets, velcro and various appliques.
Let’s talk elastic: white and black are the basic colors you’ll need. Buy them in eighth, fourth, and half-inch sizes. You might want to have some small selections of wide elastics in 1, 2, 3, and four inch sizes. Some bathing suit elastic might come in handy as well.
Tape measure, scissors, tracing wheel, tracing paper, seam rippers, pin cushions, thimbles, guides and gauges are common things you’ll need often. Interfacing is an often-used notion and you’ll need it in fusible and non-fusible styles, in black and white. Also keep a little batting, cording, and other decorative notions.
If you have a lot of fabric and notions a notebook is a good idea. Arrange swatches and list width, yardage, etc. This will make it easy for you to decide which fabrics to use on what projects. It also makes it easy to see if you have the proper notions to go forward with the project.
It’s not necessary to go purchase all brand new items for your sewing room. You can check online auctions, go to yard sales, and watch for department store clearance sales. It takes awhile to have a fully stocked sewing room, unless you have the money to just go out and buy everything at once, but once you’ve gathered the basics, there’s no project you can’t tackle.