Symptoms and Treatment of Genital Warts

What are Genital Warts?
Genital warts are nothing but small, flat, flesh-colored bump usually occurs in and around the external genitalia of both sexes. Genital warts look ugly and not fashionable. Initially it occurs in pinhead size. Then it grows up to a grain of rice to a peanut size. The color varies from yellow, pink to light brown. It may occur in clusters or in single.
Etiology of genital warts
Human Papilloma virus is the causative organism for the genital wart. Young adults of 17 to 33 years are at greatest risk for this condition. The predisposing factors for genital warts are smoking, using oral contraceptives, having multiple sexual partners, and an early coital age. Genital warts are usually transmitted through physical contact and contact with infected person’s warts.
Genital Warts Symptoms
- Pinhead sized growth in the genitals immediately after exposure to unsafe sex.
- Mild irritation in the affected area.
- Itching and burning around the sex organs.
Genital Warts Diagnosis
Genital warts cannot be diagnosed by specific tests for guys who don’t show symptoms. A noteworthy diagnosis can be performed in women without symptoms by presence of HPV through a pap smear (a test that is performed during a gynecologic exam).
Genital Warts Treatment
Treatment of genital warts can be difficult. Traditional methods are not effective for every person. Treatment of genital warts is found to be very painful process, which include electrocautery or surgical removal.
Surgical Treatment for Genital Warts
Surgical removal is found to be more effective for the genital warts up to 63-91% with lowest recurrent rates. Laser surgery is also being performed for the removal of the genital warts. This requires general or spinal anesthesia depending upon the number of warts. Other options include carbon dioxide laser treatment and electro desiccations are also being extensively practiced by the surgeons for the cure of genital warts. The interferon drugs which are extensively used for treating viral infections holds good for genital warts. Injection of interferon alpha 2a and 2b into each lesion twice a week for eight weeks interval gives fruitful results for the patients suffering from genital warts.
Topical Applications for Genital Warts
Podophyllum resin, a plant product is found to be effective in the initial stage of treatment. This should be applied topically by the physician weekly and cleaned off after 6 hrs.
Podofilox (Condylox) is also found to be effective for curing genital warts, if it is applied twice daily at least for four weeks. Over-the-counter medicines such as Iniquimod 5% cream are readily available for the patients suffering from genital warts. This Iniquimod cream has to be applied for 16 weeks but the effect can be appreciated in the 8-10th week itself.
Home remedy of genital warts
The best home remedy for genital wart is the use of Duct tape. A wart-sized piece of duct tape should be applied over the wart and kept undisturbed for one week. Then the tape is removed by soaking it with water. Now rub the wart with either emery board or pumice stone, and again reapply a new tape for another week.
Tips to prevent genital warts
Usage of condoms decreases the chances of transmission of genital warts.
Sexual abstinence from the people suffering from genital warts.
Weekly follow-up checkups after initial treatment by the individuals suffering from genital warts (self-exam also being advised).
Examination of the sexual partners of the genital wart sufferer as a prophylactic measure.
Though the warts can be removed by any one of the methods, the causative agent Human Papilloma virus will remain in the infected persons body for the rest of their life. Sometimes the Genital warts may reappear after they have been removed.