Symptoms of Cancer

Cancer is such a scary word. Many of us fear it, especially if it runs in our family. And with fear comes stupidity. We don’t have the tests we need to have, we don’t eat the foods that are good for us and we don’t talk to our doctors about our risk factors. We know we should. Some of us may even plan on doing these things. But we wait. Sometimes we wait until it is too late.

Doctors do know one thing about cancer. They know that prevention and taking the early steps to prevent it is a big key to staying healthy. They also know that early treatment once it has started can prevent it from spreading. Once it starts spreading, we need to take the steps necessary to stop it.

If cancer has all ready been spotted within your family, you know you are at risk. There are also some signs that can alert you that you can be in danger. Each type of cancer has its own detection symptoms. The following is a brief lists of some of the symptoms.

Blood in your urine, pain upon urination, frequent urination or cloudy urination can be signs of bladder cancer.

Pain in your bones, swelling, bone fractures, weight loss, fatigue and repeated infections are some of the signs of bone cancer.

Dizziness, drowsiness, changes in vision, weakness, loss of feeling in your arms or legs, memory loss, changes in personality, headaches that are worse in the mornings and tend to ease during the day that comes with nausea or vomiting are signs of brain cancer.

A lump on your breast, discharge from the nipple, change is the skin, feeling heat or enlarge lymph nodes under the arm are signs of breast cancer.

Rectal bleeding, red blood in your stools or really black stools, stomach cramps, constipation that alters with diarrhea, weight loss are signs of colon cancer.

Blood in urine, dull ache in your back or side, lump in kidney area are signs of kidney cancer.

Weakness, paleness, fever and flu like symptoms, pain in bones, frequent infections are signs of Leukemia.

Wheezing, persistent cough that last months, ache in the chest, congestion in the lung are signs of lung cancer.

Change in moles or other bumps on the skin, including size, shape and texture are signs of melanoma (skin cancer).
A lump in the mouth, ulcers of the lips, tongue or insides of the mouth that will not heal, oral pain and bad breath are signs of oral cancer.

Abdominal swelling, digestive discomfort are signs of ovarian cancer.

Upper abdominal pain, weight loss, pain near the center of your back, yellowing of skin are signs of pancreatic cancer.

Difficulty urinating (especially at night), bloody urine, pain with urination, dull ache in the back or pelvis are signs of prostate cancer.

Indigestion, heartburn, pain in abdomen, nausea and vomiting, vomiting blood or blood in your stools, constipation or diarrhea, bloating after meals are signs of stomach cancer.

Abnormal vaginal bleeding, watery bloody discharge in postmenopausal women, pain during intercourse and urination are signs of uterine cancer.

What do you do if you have these symptoms? Go to the doctor. Take the tests he/she orders.

Remember speed is essential in dealing with cancer. The sooner you start fighting the better your odds.

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