Syriana Lacks Substance and Plot Lines

One of the last films I have seen is Syriana and I have to say I was deeply disappointed. I am a huge George Clooney fan and I love military, terrorist and spy thrilling films. However this was not one of them. The film is about a CIA agent played by George Clooney and directed by Stephen Gaghan. The film focuses on the oil industry and how the United States world domination in their pursuit of oil has led them into world politics.

I found the plot line of this film to be at times exciting and interesting and at other points in the film extremely boring. Matt Damon also stars in the film as an oil broker and he supports a prince who wants to rule over his country but is not in line for succession of the throw while his older brother is. Matt Damon supports him because the young prince wants to bring change to the area and westernize it. However he is against the selling of oil to the United States and he does not want to be used as a puppet by the American government.

Another storyline in the film is the clash between the two brothers in Syria who want to rule over the land. Their father is a dying man and the eldest son is in line to take over. However his view on the kingdom is much like his father’s in that he wants to revert back to the old customs and traditions of his people while the other son wants to westernize and modernize the country.

This film is great in demonstrating how the U.S. government and secret intelligence agencies are able to put leaders into power in foreign nations who support the U.S. agenda especially when it comes to oil. Through the film, George Clooney discovers how vicious his own CIA is and the limits or lack of that they are willing to go to in foreign nations.

The ending of the film I found to be the most peculiar. In the final scenes of the film, the CIA devises a plan to kill off the prince. Clooney rushes to the scene to try and prevent the entourage of cars of the prince from landing right into the planted bomb at the ambush. In the final scene the bomb goes off but it is really unclear as to who has died and if there are any survivors or what the death of these people might mean to the storyline.

I recommend this film only to fans of George Clooney. The plot line lacked substance and was unclear at times.

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