But there are ways of saving money especially when you’re a college student or studying at university. I know it’s a struggle but there is always light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.
Below are many ideas on how to save money. You probably already aware of most of them but have you tried committing yourself to abide by the simple methods?
1. How to cut down on FOOD
Cut down on half of your intake but always drink plenty of water. For example, $50 dollars on food per week, try to spend half that amount instead or near half that amount. This is a good idea if you’re overweight, to get rid of the fat lingering in places. Always shop around for the cheapest bargains. All supermarkets vary in what they charge. If you like sweets, suck a sweet instead of eating it quickly, it makes your sweets last longer. Spreading butter, spread it thinly – it will go a lot further. Sugar, cut down on how much sugar you put in your tea or coffee. If you have two spoonfuls, just have one instead. Sugar puts on weight. You can prolong the life of bread / crusty rolls by putting them in a freezer – Hotels do it. If you eat four sandwiches for lunch, cut down to two sandwiches. If you buy meat that can be frozen. Cut it into portions and put back in the freezer when needed. Don’t buy take-a-ways because you’re wasting money. Teabags, use the teabag more than once to make more than one cup of tea. This might sound ridiculous but it does seem to work – eat your food at a lot slower rate and you’ll find you don’t need to eat a great deal at meal times. Keeps your weight down. Having meals at your Parents / Grandparents or friend’s home.
2. How to cut down on DRINK
Most of us like to drink alcohol at sometime, generally at the weekends. Like food for instance, shop round for the cheapest. Also cut down on your drink if possible. For example, if you drink 4 pints of beer per night, drink three instead and so on.
Remember: Lager and beer puts on weight because of the yeast being a fermenting agent. Whiskey, add water to make it last longer. You are diluting but there is still some toxic strength left by doing so.
3. How to save money on CLOTHES
Find second-hand shops that sell a vast variety of clothes for both sexes. If you can’t find second-hand shops. Then stop and think for a moment, do you really need new clothes, if not, forget about it. Clothes are a necessity but only when you need them, not just for the sake of following so-called fashions. Repair clothes instead of replacing them. A needle and thread does wonders. Shoes, get the soul and heel repaired – it does work out cheaper.
4. How to save money on SMOKING
Because of your nerves, stress or you just like smoking. You can save on tobacco by recycling the cigarette ends that contain tobacco. Find a container, squeeze the small amount of tobacco into the container and seal it. Get rid of the tips. Make sure you do have cigarette papers – they don’t cost much to buy. A cigarette roller – doesn’t cost much either and it can be used time after time. It does make the job easier when you want to roll a cigarette. So when you do run out of cigarettes, you got loose tobacco to make a cigarette. You can buy cigarette tips, which don’t cost much if you don’t like smoking plain cigarettes. If you’re really hard up, use dried leaves from trees to make a cigarette. For example, tea leaves, weeping willow leaves. An acquired taste is needed if you try it.
5. How to save on ENERGY
Saving can be easy if you know how. Switch off lights in areas not in use. Switch off television if you pop outside for a cigarette or to the toilet or making a cuppa and so on. Never leave your television on standby – it uses power. That includes radios, computers, anything that has got a neon light. Switch off your emergent heater (boils the water) at nights and switch it back on in the mornings. Use fewer lights at night. Cut down on heating in the winter, wear warmer clothes.
6. How to save money on TRANSPORT
Use a bicycle if you haven’t got far to go. If you haven’t got a bicycle, you can easily buy one for next to nothing at a scrap merchant. A good way of keeping fit.
Using public transport is cheaper. Sharing the use of a car. Walk if it’s not far.
I trust some of the information above has helped you to save money – good luck.