TV Shows for Kids: The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius is an animated children’s television series that airs on the Nickelodeon network. Each episode fills a 30 minute television block. The show was created by John A. Davis and Debi Derryberry. Some of the actors and actresses whose voices can be heard on The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius are Frank Welker, Jeff Garcia, Rob Paulsen, Mark DeCarlo, Carolyn Lawrence, and Crystal Scales.

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius made its debut on Nickelodeon on July 20, 2002 and has been airing ever since. In total, 60 different episodes have aired during the show’s run. The show is a spin-off of the movie Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius which received Oscar nominations. It is the first computer animated show on Nickelodeon.

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius follows Jimmy through his life as an inventor. His wacky inventions often create huge problems, but they often help him get out of those situations as well. The show takes place in the town of Retroville and occasionally other places that the adventures may take him.

The main characters on The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius are:
Jimmy Neutron – He is ten years old and the title character of the show. He uses Brain Blasts to come up with ideas for his crazy inventions. His inventions help get him in and out of trouble in every episode.
Goddard – He is Jimmy’s robotic pet dog. Jimmy created him as one of his inventions. Goddard often helps Jimmy come up with ideas when they are in troublesome situations.
Carl Wheezer – He is Jimmy’s friend and is also ten years old. His love for llamas and Jimmy’s mom makes him one of the more comical characters on the show.
Cindy Vortex – She is the evil character on the show and rival of the main characters. She tries to use her martial arts skills and intelligence to take over Jimmy, but his knowledge of science and his inventions help him fight back.
Sheen Estevez – He is another one of Jimmy’s good friends and is twelve years old. His most important attribute on the show is his love for the superhero UltraLord. He is the website creator for UltraLord.

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius has been turned into several TV movies including Attack of the Twonkies and The League of Villians. It has also been released on several different DVDs for sale in stores.

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