Take Time Out to Set Your Goals No Matter What the Season

I was talking to a friend about the approaching end of summer and mentioned the fact that Christmas was only four months away. We looked at each other thinking how we spend much of our lives thinking in these types of patterns. If you plan your life and activities around the calendar like I do, you know what I’m talking about and many of us do. We know that September means the end of summer and the return to more serious pursuits like school. In October we begin to nestle in our homes and prepare for winter. November brings families together around the table for Thanksgiving and December is full of activity from shopping for Christmas and other holidays and preparation for the incoming New Year. Yes, we all have many plans for the remainder of the year. However, it might do us some good to integrate our personal goals and objectives into those plans.
Ask yourself, what do I want to achieve by the end of September? October? November? December? Start now before the end of the year and that way you will have a jump on the “New Year Resolution” phase that many of us get caught up in. If you start setting those goals now, 2007 will be just another opportunity to set and reach your goals. Think what you could do now. The following starter list will help you on your way to setting your goals. Ã?· How many companies can I contact regarding job opportunities? Ã?· How many networking events can I attend? Ã?· How do I develop a better relationship with my child’s teacher this year? Ã?· Which self-improvement or business book can I read before the end of the month? Ã?· Which class should I take that will enhance my skills and abilities? List the ways you can improve your life now. Write down your goals and objectives along with timelines. If you start this process now, you may see that your fall and winter holidays will be enhanced by the achievement of your personal goals and objectives leaving you feeling blessed and positive.