Take a Very Indepth Look at Me!!!

Coming up with two lists of 10 words that best and least describe somebody can be a daunting task. How can you make one single word over another as the top one to reign supreme on a top 10 list? The idea of a list of words to describe somebody with no particular rank and order to the words seems more logical to me. I would gladly take a list of 10 rank less words instead of a list where a top word could not be decided on.

The best description that came across my email draws a picture of me as a laidback, calm, easygoing guy. Top word honors goes to acceptance which I can totally agree with. Acceptance is something I honestly try to strive for. If everybody out there was the same person, what kind of world would we live in? The other words I got alot were: calm, helpful, tolerant, responsible, logical, affectionate, independent, dependable, creative, determined, creative and mature. Calm is definitely in my vocabulary. My friends have raised their eyebrows and asked me, “How can you always be so calm about everything in your daily life?” Another thing they always like to ask me related to this is, “What irks or really truly irritates you in life?” Sure, there are a couple things here and there and irk and get me irritated but doesn’t that happen to everybody? Being calm is just the way I prefer to deal with things in life. Doing things wildly can sometimes have their drawbacks and those drawbacks can be a pain in the ass to deal with. Helpful is a trait that everybody can benefit from. If you help people, at some rate or in some way, that help is going to come back your way when you really may need it or your life depends on it. Plus helping people sends a good feeling throughout your blood vains. Tolerance is needed in life. It helps me get through life’s trials, forks in the road and breaking points. Responsibility is something that everybody has to accept sooner or later in their life. I might not want to accept it as people tell me I should but in a way, it is kind of nice just to accept it and not have to worry about it in the future. Logical in my opinion is one of the only ways that somebody should think. I attempt to think logically because
if you think too much in fantasy, you might lose touch of the logic that is reality and make a wrong move in life. Being affectionate is kind of important in life. If you don’t show your affectionate towards other people, how are people going to tell or see how you are feeling towards something or someone? I try to show as much feeling as I can so people don’t get mixed feelings out there. Independence is essential to me because living under somebody’s shadow the rest of your life is going to get your name known out there. You need to break free and establish your own identity. Being dependable is vital because if people are not able to depend on you for things, how are people going to even consider helping you with something when you may need help? On that reason alone, I can say that I strive for top dependability because I can’t do everything in life and people may need to help me out and I am not afraid to admit that. Maturity is big because as much as I don’t want to be serious about everything, being a kid is something I am not going to be able to be forever. So with that, maturity is coming more and more into my vocabulary.

The description of the person that I am not was pretty uniform across the board, This included me not being: judgmental, aggressive, competititve, preoccupied, spiritual, reserved, cautious, argumentative, and sarcastic. Being judgmental is not a good idea in life because somebody may be judging you when you don’t them to. I try not to judge people in life because if you jump to a conclusion about somebody, how can you find out what kind of person they really are. For all you know, a person who you jumped to a conclusion about could turn out to be a really good friend of yours. In that situation, I wouldn’t want to lose the opportunity of not gaining a friend just because of an early judgment. Aggressive nature isn’t in my body because I am just a laidback person and can’t really get out of that mold. Forcing yourself onto people in an aggressive nature will not garner too many happy results either. Me function as a competitive guy? Doesn’t sound like me anytime soon. My goal in life is simply just to have fun in life and enjoy it. Life is too short to do otherwise. Preoccupying my mind is something I try to refrain from because doing one thing at a time is what works best for me. Believe me, more than one thing on my slate of things to do and results may be deadly! Take cover everybody! Spirituality is a mixed bag for me. Yes, I do attend church but I am not a hardcore Billy Graham type. I am more about finding something to believe in and finding inner happiness. Reserved is the opposite of me. Honesty is important in my book and if I am feeling a certain way, nine times out of ten you are going to hear about it. Being cautious in life sometimes keeps you from some once in a life opportunities that may never come again. Therefore, I just go for it sometimes and worry about what the outcome is later. That is the way you need to live life sometimes. Argumentative is something I am not because hostility doesn’t work. Arguing and arguing just brings trouble and negative results. I prefer to talk things out and try to keep it from breaking out into a full blown argument. A sarcastic feeling can be a bad one to possess. Some will tell you that being sarcastic is a form of ignorance and insult. I do not need to through life being seen as ignorant and an insulting person. Also, dealing with sarcastic people sometimes sucks and it helps not to be the thing I hate trying to deal with.

The two things that differed on various lists were me being shy and perceptive. I used to be shy but I am coming out of my shell more and more and becoming more outgoing. Being perceptive is something I try to be because if you can’t be alright with listening to new ideas, how are you going to be successful in changing with times and winning at the game of life. Overall the impressions that people painted of me are ones that I can be happy with. The easygoing, laidback guy that people put me is nothing farther from the truth. Their impressions were pretty close to the one that I put on myself. Talking to the people about their answers is something I decided not to do because if I did, in a way it would be trying to put my stamp on what they truly think of me. Being that easygoing, calm, laidback is fine with me at this day and age!

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