Talking About Sex, Drugs and Violence with Your Child

What’s a worst nightmare for a parent? Discovering their child is indulging in, violence, unprotected sex and/or abusing drugs. Its every parents worst nightmare to hear such ‘high’ news. Yet, it’s even more difficult to address such a topic to a child without even knowing who your son or daughter really is.

Not every child or adult is adequately educated about unprotected sex and drug abuse. At some point in our lives we all become older and drawn to certain things we never knew much of or cared for at first glance. These changes we undergo, we never bothered to let our parents know about – not until we’ve already experienced for ourselves. For many of us who can relate, we’ve been there and done that. But for others it’s already too late and we’ve become addicted or diagnosed without knowing the full effects of our wrong doings. We cannot live in fear any longer! Education regarding sex, drugs and violence is vital info that must be passed along to our youth. Our fear of teaching, fear that our children will become curious is an excuse. It’s a parent’s own private way of attempting to conceal their son or daughter from the world.

How important is it to teach your child about this subject? Of great importance! More important than you can ever imagine! In this rapidly growing society, almost more than half of the population is infected with some type of drug addiction or sexually transmitted disease. Yet many adolescents are involved with either or, along with violence as a side hussle.

How do we educate our children on this subject? How do we get them to understand the importance of avoiding unprotected sex, drug abuse and violence so they can protect themselves and are aware throughout their lives? Simple, we have to stop calling them ‘children’ and start realizing these are young adults now dealing with. Spend more time getting to know these young future leaders instead of getting upset with them.

Getting started:

Ã?· Start by maybe engaging in your adolescent’s favorite activities; watch tv, play video games, go roller-blading, become familiar with their environments and who they are. That’ll be the base of presenting your dialect. No you aren’t just using them to get a point across, your spending quality time and gaining more insight on who your son or daughter is becoming.

Ã?· Learn to listen and become good at it. Many adolescents simply don’t feel comfortable sharing those tidbit things with their parents because they don’t listen well. Yes, you are a parent, but that doesn’t give you the right to invalidate your son or daughter from expressing themselves. They’ll learn to trust you more and actually listen back.

Ã?· Be calm, be cool, be brave and be a parent. Kids are actually a lot smarter than you know, take your time and breathe easily. You’ve been doing a good job thus far, keep it up and keep the knowledge flowing.

�· Be smooth with your presentations and allow for feedback. These are really sensitive topics to discuss, and will send your young one flying out of the door to escape your wrath. The purpose of conversing on these matters are not to punish, but to educate. Remember that.

�· Be understanding & rational. We were all young adolescents at some point.

Briefings on Unprotected Sex:

Having unprotected sex is just as pleasurable as it is dangerous. By having sex without a protection, you run the risk of spreading or catching sexually transmitted diseases. A vital and deadly disease for example, such as HIV/AIDS plays a huge role in the population of the United States. Unfortunately 7 out of 10 sex partners discard use of protected sex, thus increasing the ratio of infected persons..

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Briefings on Drug abuse:

Drug abuse can is a serious issue. In our society today many drugs plague our communities and poison our children out of their dreams and into the wrong direction. Drugs abuse usually leads to addiction, which in theory can get you hard time behind bars if caught. In some cases, it can even lead to death..

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Briefings on Corruption and violence:

What’s really the use of violence? Now and days violence is escalated into much scarier situations involving the use of guns. Peer out into the world today and look at how many gangs saturate our communities, as if affiliation with in some sort of clan is the way to be. If not, too many individuals are more busy destroying the community instead of helping to rebuild it..

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