Talking to Your Child About Sex Abuse

In today’s world, sexual abuse is a serious problem. This is why it is to vital to talk to your child about sexual abuse and who to tell if the issue ever occurs. First and foremost, it is important to start having an open line of communication with your child from an early age. Reassure your child that he/she can talk to you about anything at anytime. Teach your child that is anyone no matter who they are ever try to touch their body in an inappropriate way, they should firmly tell them no and tell you as soon as possible. There are no games when it comes to touching body parts. Explain to them that you are supposed to follow adult rules, but at times there are exceptions. Firmly tell your child what these exceptions are and implant in their head not to comply.

If unfortunately something were to happen to your child, forewarn your child that it is NEVER their fault. It is only the fault of the culprit. They should not feel guilty, ashamed of themselves, or think you will ever be upset with them. In most local libraries, you can find age appropriate books talking about child sexual abuse. These books can help assist in helping you to get your point across. Some books even encourage role playing. This helps to imbed in your child’s mind what to do if a situation occurs. Some parents find it helpful to use the bathing suit rule. They teach their child that whatever their bathing suit covers, it where their private parts are and should never be touched. Explain to them that sometimes a doctor may have to look at these area of their body, but mommy or daddy will always be there with them.

Every so often repeat the conversation with your child to help reinforce the point of the topic. It should be recognized that child abuse is very serious, and it can happen to people we love. Sheltering your child or pretending as if the problem does not exist in the world is one of the worst things to do to a child. By having an open line of communication, it shows that you are their for them emotionally and want to try your best to help protect them.

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