Talking to Your Kids About Marijuana, Ecstasy and Other Drugs

As a parent it’s important to speak with your children about drugs. You can turn a blind eye or a deaf ear and think that it isn’t necessary, but in this case, what they don’t know can harm them. Drugs can be a confusing topic for children. Knowing they can turn to you for answers will take some of the pressure off children.
Children are drinking alcohol starting as early as eleven and twelve years old. It is important that your child understands that you have firm rules against drinking under age. Setting boundaries will help a child feel comfortable.
Marijuana is another drug that reaches children at younger and younger ages. Twelve is now the national average age that children are exposed to marijuana for the first time. Per, marijuana is still the largest abused drug in this country.
Remind your child that they don’t have to go along with what their friends are doing and that doing so could be dangerous. You can’t be with your child at all times, but you can instill morals and standards to which they can live by.
Sniffing is another topic you need to discuss with children. Kids are finding ways to get high by sniffing things such as glue, gasoline or paint. Inhalants are easy to find and kids have access to them. Let them know the dangers involved, and be aware of the signs of abuse.
Meth or Methamphetamine is a stimulant and very addicting. Children have to understand what it can do their bodies. Explain all of the unpleasant and downright scary side effects are.
Ecstasy is a drug that causes hallucinogenic reactions. Ecstasy can cause both psychological and physical problems in a user.
Steroids are another drug that is finding its way into schools. Athletes are using steroids to take their playing to the next level. New Jersey is now the first state to approve random drug testing on their athletic students. There will be to testing for steroid use as well as other drugs. This will go into effect during the 2006-2007 school year.