Target’s Universal TV Stand – Black

About a week or so ago, I splurged… big time. This splurge though was very thought out, and planned. Although I truly admit I could have waited for the ultimate high definition experience, I splurged anyway. I had no control, I went all out, all out I tell you… and for the first time ever I am ultimately satisfied with my purchases….except for one little thing.

I loved the HDTV, but I needed a new stand.

There was no way in hell I was about to plop down a near $2,000 HDTV on my cruddy old stand that held my cruddy old TV. That wobbly stand would not cut it. No way, no how.

I knew I didn’t want to over do it by purchasing some $400 unit, when a unit for 3 times less would work just as efficiently. I wanted something that had some height to it, had some shelves for DVD’s (I mean Blueray! Teehee! So very sorry, I have bragging issues. Usually this would mean that I have a small penis, but I’m a girl!) and some shelf room for my Tivo, Cable box, and my PS3. God, I’m starting to reek that reek that materialistic pricks do. Let me roll around in my deadly sin for awhile, Gez!

Anyhow, while browsing out local Target my boyfriend and I found ourselves checking out TV stands in that TV stand section! I think every Target has this section…umm, you can’t miss it really.

Before us on the shelves sat a nice collection of stands. From wall mount type stands, to nice home entertainment unit stands. Me though, I wanted simple, cheap, and once again; something that offered good height, but with decent amounts of shelving space. We had come across so many stands that were short! I like my neck looking slightly up at my TV, not down to the floor, so short that the frigging coffee table would get in the way of the picture.

The stand we bought was the Universal TV Stand, in black.

The Universal TV Stand, was a good pick because first and foremost it stood in at a height I liked. At around 35″ to 40″ in height. I would however of preferred a 60 incher, but I went with what I could afford at the time. Plus most units were the same height at Target, and at only $90.00 the Universal TV Stand – Black was a damn good deal. The Universal TV Stand, in black, is constructed of wood-composite in a black laminate finish. All in all I knew that it would match out HDTV set very well, making for a nice modern look in our bedroom.

The main concern for those looking to purchase this TV stand is that is will not fit a TV with a base larger than 43.5″. Keep in mind that if your TV is 50″ it likely has a 25-30 inch base, so you should be safe.

Besides that, you must also keep in mind that the stand is made to fit TV’s no heavier than 240 pounds. So do your freaking measurement’s before you just plop your tube up on this stand.

Set Up:

We all know that what we see in stores is not what we get straight out of the box. A handy dandy man is also needed to put the Universal TV Stand, together. A man is not necessary honestly though, it’s just nice to have one…you know, so we don’t chip a nail or something. (That was a bad sexist joke by the way).

I actually did though have my boyfriend set this one up though. I did however glance over every now and then. Everything came in sections, and he screwed in a few screws. All in all it took him about a half hour to have the Universal TV Stand, completely set up.


There are 4 shelves in all. 2 are fixed, and 2 are adjustable. We set ours up exactly as in the picture without any issues. Our cable box fit on one side, the Tivo on top of the cable box, and the other 3 shelves we filled up with our Blue rays and video games.


A $90.00 TV Stand? You really cannot beat that. The stand holds the TV, DVD’s/CD’s and all of our (Tivo and Cable) boxes without any issues.

View this exact stand by clicking here

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