Teach Kids How to Pack Their Own Luggage

The first thing you should do when you get your child to pack luggage for a family trip is to get them their own set of luggage, preferably the kind on rolling wheels. If you have ever had to carry luggage for yourself and your children through the airport, you know what a hassle it can become. Any child that can walk can pull luggage. Find a sized-appropriate suitcase with a handle and sturdy wheels. You child can also pack more and free up their hands by using a backpack. Have them pack clothes in the rolling case and toys and other items that need to be in easy reach in the backpack. In order to prevent over packing (such as bringing 10 stuffed animals) let them know that everything they can take must fit into the suitcase and the backpack (and that the luggage must close!).
Here are some other easy packing tips for kids:
Let your kids decide: This means give your kids the opportunity to choose what he or she will bring. You might give him or her a list of things to bring such as: six shirts, three pants, one bathing suit, six pairs of underwear. Beyond that, it will be up to them to bring what they want. This way they can select their own favorite outfits and you do not spend time packing things your child will not wear. This also makes your child feel important and that you trust them with the responsibility.
Speaking of clothes: Don’t forget that your child may need extra clothes just in case there are spills or stains. Have them throw in a couple of extra outfits if there is room (otherwise, you might want to locate the closest washer when you arrive). Also, think about where you are going. If you are traveling far, the climate may differ. You may need a lightweight jackets, sneakers and such.
Wrinkles happen: When you or your child packs clothing for a trip, remember that clothes will get wrinkles. Folding always makes clothes look bad so do not worry. Most hotels have irons in the room anyway, so if you need to iron, you can. Also, you can show your child how to roll clothes. This not only helps wrinkles, but it also makes more room in the suitcase.
Decorate the luggage: If your child enjoys crafting, allow him or her to decorate the luggage with stencils, iron-ons and fabric markers. Also, they might have fun making their own luggage tags. This is especially helpful for check luggage at the airport. A unique suitcase is easier to spot than a plain one.
Seal those bags: Give you child a large gallon sized zipper style baggie or their very own plastic bag for toiletries. Kids are notorious for not replacing lids and caps tightly, resulting in leaks and spills in the luggage. You might even purchase a clear vinyl bag and allow your child to personalize it using permanent markers.
Stock your carry on luggage: It is a fact of life that luggage does get lost when you travel by plane. Consider allowing your child to pack a few essentials in their carry on such as any medication, a small first aid kit, and a change of clothes just in case something gets lost.
With a little help and planning for you, your child will be on their way to a fun family trip that they have prepared and pack for all by themselves.