Teaching Children How to Pray

Parents/teachers, are you looking for creative ways to teach your children how to pray? This may be a valuable resource for you!

Mark 10:13-14 says, “People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come unto me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (NIV)

Jesus clearly made it understood to His disciples that day that no one was to hinder children in seeking Him, or being brought to Him! He loves our little ones! He desires to communicate with them through simple prayers, and in my opinion, enjoys their simplistic faith! Having no deep theology to boggle the mind, they just accept that He is there, and that He is God! Oh, that we as adults would do the same…

I have done some reasearch on prayers for children, and below are my top ten tips for teaching children how to pray!
1. Prayer is just like talking to your mom and dad, but God is in Heaven, not here on earth.
2. God hears your every prayer, and even though you can’t see Him, He’s in Heaven listening to you!
3. Pray for others, like “Uncle Jack” who is sick.
4. God likes to hear from you a lot! You can pray at other times during the day, not just at bedtime.
5. Thank God for what He has given you…like your home, your family, your “stuff”.
6. Tell God about the things that make you scared or worried.
7. Tell God you’re angry! He’ll show you what to do…
8. Ask God how He wants you to treat others…like the bully at school.
9. Ask God to forgive you of doing wrong to other people, or to their stuff. God is a God of second chances!
10. Ask God how you can show His love to other kids or adults.

Not all of these methods need to be taught in one session! That would be overwhelming. As circumstances arise, and they will, take the opportunity then to teach them the above tips.

If you have a child who is concerned over a parent leaving for a business trip, tell them to talk to God about their fear and worry.

If you have a child whose friend’s parents are getting a divorce, tell them they can pray for this friend.

Even with all these tips mentioned above, my first and foremost suggestion is to show them by example how to pray! Let them see you pray, hear you pray, and learn when to pray! That alone will teach them volumes!
Prayers for children need to be simple and to the point. Below are some examples you can adapt to your own specific situations:

*Dear God, thank you for my family, my home, and my pets. Some kids don’t’ have these things. Help me know how I can share with someone. And help me know how to show them you love them. Amen.”

*God, thank you for listening to me right now. I’m scared for my friend Joey. He’s moving, and he’s scared and doesn’t want to go. Help him find New friends and be happy again. Let him know you are there. Amen.

*God, I’m really, really mad at my sister right now! She just tore up my favorite CD! Show me what to do. Amen.

*God, today I made a mistake. I did something I shouldn’t have. Please forgive me and help me not to do that again. Amen.

For very young children, I have written a few poem prayers that might be used:

Help me love, help me care, help me smile, help me share. Help me give, help me grow, help me laugh, help me know.
�©L.Cain7/06 (Briefly describe know what, share what, etc.)

Dear God above, you show me love, food you give, helps me live. Sun so bright, my daily light, afternoon fun, in the sun.
To church we go, hearts will grow, friends to play, wonderful day. Nice warm bed, to rest my head, time for rest, God is best.
�©L.Cain 7/06

Help me Jesus
Know Your ways
Through the night
Through the days
Give me love
To show a friend
You’re always there
You never end.
�©L.Cain 7/06

Thank you for mommy
Thank you for dad
Thank you for Jesus
Who makes me glad
Thank you for rain
And for sunshine above
But I thank you most
For your wonderful love
�©L.Cain 7/06

I hope this has been a helpful tool for you as parents and teachers regarding prayers for children! May God guide you as you work with His little ones!

Lucy Cain

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