Teaching Wedding Etiquette to the Bridal Party

You may be in the process of planning a wonderful, elaborate wedding. But then you take a look at the bridal party and realize that they do not have any type of wedding etiquette. What can you do? Teach wedding etiquette to your bridal party.

The first thing that you have to do is get right to work showing your bridal party how they are supposed to behave and carry themselves at a wedding. This is especially important when it is time to eat, and drink. Wedding etiquette even includes the way that they walk down the isle. Their posture should be good. Shoulders back and head up. You do not want a picture of someone holding their head down looking at their shoes.

After they get their walk down straight, make sure that the bridal party has table manners. They should not just start slopping up their food. They should make sure that they use the proper utensils and that they do not get themselves dirty in the process. Wedding etiquette can also refer to everyone in the bridal party knowing what their responsibilities are. There is nothing worse than having everyone standing around not knowing what they are supposed to be doing.

Many people feel that wedding etiquette involves following custom or tradition. But this is not necessarily the case. Your wedding day can be anything that you want it to be. There is no law that says you have to follow a certain way of doing things. The most important thing is that your day runs smoothly. If you decide to have little ones in your wedding it may be a good idea to have someone make sure that they do what they are supposed to do.

For example you do not want your little flower girl picking her nose as she walks down the isle. If you are really afraid that this might happen then I would highly suggest you use a child that is old enough to follow directions. The bottom line in teaching wedding etiquette to the bridal party is to do it in a nice and loving way. If you are rude or harsh with anyone they will not want to follow anything that you say and your day will ultimately be ruined. In addition there are several websites that will provide you with additional help and information, such as www.etiquettehell.com, www.ourmarriage.com, www.topweddingquestions.com.

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