Technology Tutorials Week in Review

Each week, I get to pick out some of the most inspiring guides I’ve seen recently published. While some are more universally useful than others, they all feature a common theme: these writers are writing because they want to help someone else.
This week, I’ve found 3 guides written by very new Content Producers that definitely shine. Not only are these guides well-written, but they offer extremely useful information. So whether you’ve got a computer behaving badly or a soldier to support, consider this a quick-fix on the best of the best this week.
10 Tips on Computer Problem Troubleshooting
Tiffany Garden has been a full time freelance writer since 2002, but she’s only been writing for AC since May. One visit to her CP page, though, and it’s hard not to hope that she continues gracing us with her efforts.
In “10 Tips on Computer Problem Troubleshooting”, Tiffany shares basic procedures that techs themselves use to discover what has gone haywire. This is a big article – 7 pages long – but worth every second reading it. I have bookmarked it, in fact, because I found the information she presented so easy to understand that I just know I’ll have plenty of use for it.
Whether you’re having computer problems now or not, the fact remains that we all hit a virtual wall with our computers at some point – take a look at Tiffany’s article and avoid a lot of frustration.
How to Write and Sell an EBook
One of the very newest Content Producers on AC, Crystal Paine offers up an article that is packed with information and backed by experience. Not only does she co-operate a great website, but Crystal is the author of 6 books – knowledge that she has graciously shared with the rest of us.
This article literally walks you through the entire process of selling an ebook, beginning with some tips on choosing a topic and even offering tips about creating affiliates to sell the book for you.
If you’re in the mood for other how-to’s, don’t miss Crystal’s CP Page with articles like “How to Become a Published Author” and “How to Start Your Own Business”. Great work, Crystal – keep it up!
Tips on Supporting Your Overseas Soldier, in Iraq, at War, or Anywhere
Another very fresh new face on AC, Heather Leah’s CP Page is a growing collection of extremely thoughtful pieces. She believes that the “most important job in the world is to teach others,” and in the article I’m featuring, she definitely does that.
The number of families with members serving in the military is astronomical, and the constant pressures and fears of having a loved one far from reach can be overwhelming. One thing that each of these families share in common is the desire to support the soldiers overseas.
Heather shares some really useful tips on dealing with the stress of phone calls (what are you supposed to talk about, anyway?!), keeping in touch with blogs, and compiling creative care packages.
Anectdotes and glimpses into Heather’s own struggle to support her cousin are both insightful and touching, and the advice she has to share is definitely worth the read.