Teen Clothing Stores in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Scheduling ahead for a shopping trip with your teenager can mitigate a lot of the stress you and your teenager may feel. Preview an assortment of teen clothing stores that sell clothing and accessories only to that age group. Once you have confirmed that a local clothing store has an suitable selection of clothing for your teenager you can let them loose in the store. With a little preparation you can create a positive shopping experience where you and your teenager can agree on something.
Bella Bella carries a selection of clothing for teenagers that is age appropriate and current. Their trendy clothing will appeal to any teenager. The prices and quality will appeal to the parents. Bella Bella has a nice selection of denim, khakis, short, and capris that are perfect for school and play. Bella Bella also has a nice selection of dressy clothing perfect for any social setting where you child may need to be dressed up. Bella Bella is located at 3064 Perkins Road, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70401.
The Boutique carries a selection of clothing for teenagers that is age appropriate and current. Their trendy clothing will appeal to any teenager. The prices and quality will appeal to the parents. They have a nice selection of denim, khakis, short, and capris that are perfect for school and play. They also have a nice selection of dressy clothing perfect for any social setting where you child may need to be dressed up. The Boutique is located at 4733 Jones Creek Road, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70401.
Teens and Queens – Wmns Apparel is a hip and trendy clothing store that caters to the modern teenager. The clothing is sleek and stylish. Your teenager should easily be able to find something more than appropriate for school or any social functions they may need to attend. The atmosphere at Teens and Queens – Wmns Apparel is hip and trendy and your child will never catch on that you have chosen a store with a section of clothing designed specifically for teenagers. Teens and Queens – Wmns Apparel is located at 2616 West Thomas Street, Hammond, Louisiana, 70401. Hammond is about twenty-five minutes outside of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They can be reached at (985) 345-9548.
Southern Baby is located at 1316 West Thomas Street, Hammond, Louisiana, 70401.They carry a selection of the latest trends for teenagers. They have an impressive selection of faded denim, trendy t-shirts appropriate for teenagers, as well as a nice selection of accessories that won’t leave your wallet empty. They can be reached at (985) 345-2007.