Teenagers and Infatuation

It happens to all of us during our teenage years. But what happens when your teenager becomes heartbroken because of a crush or because they are infatuated with someone. The person they usually have crushes on are either too old for them, or just way out of their reach. It is important that you stress to them that is normal to have such strong feelings for someone, as long as these feelings are not inappropriate. Remember they are still learning to control the new desires that are being unleashed by the dreaded puberty. This problem usually occurs more with girls than it does with boys. Many parents feel that crushes are very harmless, but it really can cause a lot of emotional damage to your teen.
Teens are usually infatuated with their crushes. Most of the times their fantasies tend to get the best of them. If it gets to the point where they allow the fantasy to rule their lives then other things can begin to get affected by this. Their grades in school can begin to drop, and they may even begin alienating themselves from their friends. Some teens will even end up making a fool of themselves in public. And as you know when it comes to teens this can be very devastating. The key is to help your teen get the person off of their mind.
They need to understand the facts of the matter. If they have a crush on a celebrity, then the odds of your teen actually meeting the person and falling in love are very slim. Their chances are equally slim when it comes to someone older. Of course they will be hurt but they need to understand that it is not the end of the world. Infatuation occurs with all of us, the key is to not let it take control of your life. If you keep the lines of communication open between you and your children. Dealing with teenagers emotions can be very stressful for the entire family. But if you learn to deal with the problem early enough then the infatuation will not rule your child’s life.