Temecula Movie Theatres

Amidst the growing city of Temecula, CA are three movie theatres. Edwards at the Promenade Mall, The Movie Experience, and Temeku. Though there are only three, the differences between them are big. Take for example Edwards theatre off the ever-expanding Winchester Road. This is the “go-to” theatre. It has turned into the teenage hot spot on Saturday nights due to its prime location. Edwards sits facing the main courtyard at the mall. What better than winding down your shopping day with an eight dollar movie. This theatre offers the cleanest and largest viewing rooms in the city. Though you find the occasional gum on the seat, Edwards seems to pride itself on being neat. Like other movie theatres though, you cannot escape prices like the aforementioned ticket prices, as well as the refreshment fees you will encounter. Overall, this is the place to go to enjoy the movie of your choice. Edwards Cinemas 40750 Winchester Road, Temecula CA 92591. 951-296-0133.
Second up is The Movie Experience at Tower Plaza located at 27531 Ynez Road. Movie Experience is in the more “settled” part of Temecula off of Rancho California Road. Here you can find the same movies showing as at the Edwards, however the viewing experience is not the same. The gum on seat trick is more apparent here as is the lack of tidiness. Sticky floors become more of a nuisance than a one time thing, and the refreshment situation is right in line with the other theatres, high prices. This is a good theatre for the older folk who want to avoid the teen crowd. You can reach them at: 951-698-7800, the theatre, not the older folk.
Did you miss the movie you wanted to see? No problem, most likely Temeku will have it playing. After Edwards took over across the street, Temeku went the route of discount cinema. This theatre sticks to playing movies that have ran their course in the big time theatres such as the previous two. Box office flops see their share of play here as well. The upper hand: low ticket prices! If you can wait a month or two to see that movie you want to see, go to Temeku. Refreshment prices you ask? Well, they have to get you somehow. You can find Temeku at 26463 Ynez Road, around the corner in the parking lot of Kmart and Mervyns. Give Temeku a call: 951-296-9728.
In a related story, will someone please buy the old Edwards cinema? This once great theatre has been vacant for upwards of six years now. It was the dominant theatre in Temecula’s booming economy until Edwards moved its operations to the mall. It still has potential to thrice as its has a great location. Perhaps it can be used as Temecula’s first grand scale music venue. So note to investors everywhere, your opportunity is available.
So choose the theatre for you based on this review. Recap… Edwards is the “scene” theatre serving mostly families and teens. Movie Experience is for the laid back type. And Temeku is for everyone and anyone looking to see a great movie again for cheap or see the flick you missed on its first theatre run. Good Luck and have a great time at the movies.