Ten Blogs About Cancer-Being Informed is Being Armed

There are many advances happening in the world of cancer research almost daily an it is important to keep well informed. The best way to get the information you need is to visit blogs, which are journals run by individuals or organizations. You can read, ask questions or post comment. And they are also good places to connect with others who have the same interest as you do. You will also find links on these cancer blogs to others with even more information. I hope you will find these cancer blogs informative and enlightening and that you find what you are looking for and need.

The Cancer Blog

This is the definitive cancer blog with information on virtually every type of two of the newest articles are ” New Test Predicts Lung Cancer Survival Chemotherapy Needs” and “Finding cancer cures in the forest” Check the list on the right There is a link to virtually every type of cancer. http://www.thecancerblog.com/

MedicineWorld.Org-Lung Cancer Blog

The two latest articles here are “More Effective Smoking Cessation” and “Children Who Live With Smokers.” There are also articles on the latest advances in tests and medications.http://medicineworld.org/cancer/lung/lung-cancer-blog.html

Breast Cancer Chronicles Cancer Blog

The author of this cancer blog is an RN, so the information comes from medical knowledge As of right now there is a total of 144 articles on this blog, so whatever information you are looking for, the chances are good you will find it here. http://health.yahoo.com/experts/breastcancer

Breast cancer blog from bcancer.com

“DNA Damage and Breast Cancer,” “Breast Stem Cell Secrets” and “Software To Improve Breast Cancer Diagnosis” are three of the latest articles found here. They welcome you comments and feedback. http://bcancer.com/breast-cancer-blog/index.php

Blogging for a Cause Cancer Blog

This is a cancer blog with personcal stories. Check in and see some up- lifting posts. http://bloggingforacause.com/

New Hope Cancer Centers Cancer Blog

Among the articles featured on this cancer blog are “Blood Test Offers Hope In Detection Of Breast Cancer” and “Scorpion Venom May Help Patients With Malignant Brain Tumors” They welcome your questions and comments. http://www.newhopeblog.com/

Colon Cancer Blog
There are three sections in this cancer blog Visit them all There is important information in each one. The sections are Colon Cancer News, Colon Cancer Main and Treatment of Colon Cancer. Some of the articles I particularly enjoyed are “Curry And Onions May Prevent Colon Cancer,” “Pain Medications Prevent Cancer” and “Bevacizumab (Avastin) for Treatment of Cancer”. http://medicineworld.org/cancer/colon/colon-cancer-blog.html

The Cheerful Oncologist Cancer Blog

More Parks Sausages, Mom – and a Zantac, Too and “Another Reason to Buy Ice Cream by the Barrel” may sound like frivilous titles, but believe me, the content is very serious. And yes they are written by a medical oncologist. He does lighten up the aatmosphere of the bolg, but the information is deadly serious.http://scienceblogs.com/thecheerfuloncologist/

Two Hands Cancer Blog

Two hands is a personal cancer blog where you can read cancer stories and connect with some new firends. http://2hands.blogspot.com/

Cancer News Blog From Medicineworld.Org

This cancer blog has the latest news articles about cancer. Some of the latest include Vitamin E Offshoot A Potent Cancer Killer and People With Allergies Are Less Likely To Develop Brain Tumors http://medicineworld.org/news/page1.html

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