Ten Blogs About Gardening

One of the best ways to get information on gardening, or anything else for that matter, is to read blogs. For those who do not know exactly what a blog is, the dictionary describes it as a personal journal with entries and links provided by the owner.
In researching gardening, you have to take into consideration a few things. First of all, how much time will you be able to devote to gardening? That will be one of the determining factors in the size of the garden and type of gardening you will do. Also look for information on gardening in your part of the country. What works in the southwest will not work in the northeast tank a look at these blogs. There represent different areas and different types of gardens, are well written, maintained regularly and have links to other sites, making them well rounded and informative.
Jane Perrone’s Organic Allotment and Garden Blog
http://perrone.blogs.com/ Organic
Jane has a very well organized blog, with great articles on Organic Gardening and even information on different types of tools. Be sure to read the tip of the day and check out he other sections. Don’t forget to leave a comment or two
Renegade Gardener by Don Engebretson
http://www.renegadegardener.com/ Cold weather zones 2 through 4
This is a perfect example of information for a particular area The author is as award winning gardener, so he knows what he is talking about The blog is well organized, with tons of information not only on plants, but also on garden design, Don is also a landscape designer. So if you live in the cold, as I do, make this a place to visit and re visit again and again.
Gardening for Dummies by Stuart Robinson
http://www.gardening4dumies.com/ Beginners
Everyone you know has their own garden, and you feel left out, or you have started a garden and don’t know what to do first, what to bye, how to plant, in other words you don’t have your green thumb yet. You need a site. Scroll down to the link for their form and join up. Read the articles and don’t forget to leave a comment.
In My Kitchen Garden
http://inmykitchengarden.blogspot.com/ Missouri gardening
Excellent site if you live in the mid west, with information on the types of crops to grow and the best time to plant and harvest each one for this part of the country. And the recipes are great also. Sign up for the newsletter, I am going to.
Greenhouse Gardening
http://www.theboneszone.com/ Greenhouse gardening
Greenhouse Gardening is a great way to extend the growing season, This blog gives you all the information you need to get started including information on where to buy the greenhouse itself as well as the types of plants to get and much, much more.
Flowers and Weeds
http://flowersandweeds.blogspot.com/ Pacific North West
This if a must if you are from the Pacific North West. It has great articles on everything you need to know including a month to month gardening guide.
Calendula & Concrete
http://www.cc-calendula.blogspot.com/ Washington DC
This is a great blog for the city gardener with little space. It has some great recipes.
Kerry’s Garden
http://www.kerrysgarden.us/ Kentucky
Kerry’s Garden is a nice place to stop and visit. There are lots of articles on the local gardening scene and one recipe on the front page to die for .
Through the Garden Gate
This is a combination personal journal and gardening blog. The pictures are superb and you will enjoy the personal stories as well.
Papa Geno’s Garden Blog
http://www.papagenos.com/blog/template_permalink.asp?id=106 container gardening
Container gardening is perfect for the city resident who only has a terrace of small plot with more concrete than soil. It is also good if you do not have the time to rake and hoe a plot of land. Some of the containers shown here look like works of art themselves.
So there you have it, a quick view of the gardening world by some of the best blogs. Enjoy the reading, post your comments and join the newsletters. Who knows, maybe you will make a friend or two.