Ten Blogs About Knitting

One thing about knitters, they love to share ideas and tips, and there is no better way to do it than to blog. You can share your experience, pick up on someone else experience, or just read and enjoy the pictures. I hope these blogs will entertain and enlighten.

A Knitter in Queens Knitting Blog

The owner has only been knitting for about two years, and the quality of her work is superb. The lace work shows real talent. It is not as hard as it looks, as long as you have the patience to follow very detailed instructions. Check out the links to the red cross patterns. They are oldies but goodies. Leave your comments and make a connection.

A Sheep in Wool’s Clothing Knitting Blog
This knitter spins her own yarn. I have tried it and it is fun, especially since you can make your own blends. Be sure to leave your comments. She has some very nice patterns.

Hyperactive Hands Knitting Blog
If there is one thing a knitter needs, it is hyperactive hands. This is a very nice interactive knitting blog, with reviews of the latest knitting magazines as well as some interesting yarns.

KnttingSticks Knitting Blog
Some very nice yarn recommendations. Be sure to post your comments. She also has links to sites where you can get the patterns featured in her photos.

Blue Mountains Knits Knitting Blog
Like all of us, this knitter has many projects in the works at the same time. And I actually thought I was the only one. I like the chart that she has up to keep track of her progress on all the projects. Also, the article on the Tudor Roses Collection is very interesting.

Wendy Knits Knitting Blog
I like the way she gives detailed instructions, They are very easy to understand, especially with the pictures I like the bag too. Also, check out the article about hand dying using Kool-Aid. That is one thing I have not tried yet.

Claudia’s Knitting Blog
This is one of the most instructional blogs I have come across. Look at the categories on the left. The articles not only include instructions, but also links to other sites for more information. Click on the spinning link and you will see what I mean.

Curls and Purls NYC Knitting Blog
The projects listed here, all have links to the page where you can get the pattern for free. And since the projects are discussed in great detail, it is easy to decide if it is worth it to go and get the pattern. Don’t forget to leave your comments.

Midnight Knitter Knitting Blog
Scroll down and read the article about doing test pieces, with different yarns, to see which one gives the correct gauge. I know I never do it, and I also know I should. And defiantly go to the free patterns link Free is always good.

Needles on Fire Knitting Blog
I think the knitted quilt is a great idea. The categories all have relative links to. So take some time, look around and see what you can find.

I hope you were able to find what you need in these knitting blogs,. If not come back again and re visit. Ask questions in the comment section, and visit some of the links. There is someone there who can answer your questions, for sure.

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