Ten Blogs About Photography

Photography has come along way since the days of using flash powder, but one thing remains the same and that is the dedication of photographers to get the best pictures ever taken. From the Civil war picture of Matthew Brady to the high-tech digital images of today, photography has always been an expression of the soul. Take a look at these blogs, They have some of the best information on new products and lessons on using them Stop in, participate by making comments and make some friends along the way.

Digital Photography Blog
http://www.livingroom.org.au/photolog/ Digital photography
This is a well constructed and informational blog on digital photography. You will find reviews on many, many of the top cameras as well as articles such as “How to Photograph Children.” Also, check out the link for on line photography courses.

Digital Photography Tips Blog
http://photography.caiminjones.com/ Digital how to’s
If you are new to digital photography, or even if you have some experience, you will learn something here. They have articles such as “Three Don’ts of Digital Photography” and
“How to take mouth-watering food photography”. For the average user, the tips you get here will make your experience with your camera more enjoyable.

Fotolia Photography and Design News
http://blog.fotolia.com/us/ Information
A truly professional blog where you can buy and sell stock photos. They also have a great forum, product reviews,

Photographs, Photographers and Photography
The focus here is on making photographs, with lots of information on PhotoShop. They give very specific instructions, with pictures to illustrate the points. They have a very well organized link section. Bookmark this one and go through it at your leisure.

Microsoft Photography Blog
This blog is maintained by a professional software engineer, and has a lot of high end information. It makes for very interesting reading and if you want to take you photography to the next level, make sure to visit this one.

This blog has many articles on the new advances in photography such as Wireless Transmission for Digital Cameras and an article on new underwater housing for Fugi cameras, so if you want to the latest information, check this one out and come back often.

Digital Photography News
In addition to the news and reviews, they have a great forum where you interact with other members, post your photos and view the work of other members.

Some of their articles are “The Joys of Photography” and “A day in the life of the Paperazzi.” You can apply to be a guest writer for them, and you can also post your comments. Check out the category list on the right there are many to choose from.

Pixel Perfect Digital Photography Blog
This blog has great reviews of the newest products. They have some great things in the free image archive too.

Digital Photography Blogs
They have a very interesting concept with a challenge of the month. The one for August is LIGHT so stop in and see if you can participate in the challenge.

So there you have it, a brief journey through the world of photography blogs. I hope you enjoyed the journey and found some interesting news.

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