Ten Homemade Holiday Gifts for Teachers

Gifts Kids Can Make:
Help your child craft a unique gift for his or her teacher.
Swirled Glass Ornaments:
Idea: These look very pretty made with bright colored paint.
Supplies Needed:
Clear glass tree ornaments
Acrylic paints in various colors
Empty egg carton
Carefully take the metal hanger off of the top of the glass ornament. A parent might want to help younger children do this because the rim of the glass can be very sharp. Squeeze a few drops of one color into the ornament. If the paint is very thick, try adding a few drops of water to make it easier to work with. Swirl the paint inside the ornament by turning the ornament around and upside down. Add the next color and repeat. Coat the entire inside of the ornament. The paint will mix together giving it a swirled look. When done, turn the ornament upside down in the egg carton to dry. It may take several hours to dry completely. After it has dried, replace the top and add a bow for hanging.
Movie Night Kit:
Idea: Find out what kind of soda and candy the teacher likes before making this gift.
Supplies Needed:
Microwave popcorn bucket-these can be purchased for about $1 at most grocery stores
Can or bottle of soda
Candy bars or boxes of candy
Gift card for movie rental-purchase any amount you like, but $5 is enough for one rental
Tissue paper
Place everything in the popcorn bucket and use the tissue paper to help fill the bucket. Clear wrap can also be used to wrap the entire bucket.
Special Box:
Idea: This is cute for teachers or family members.
Supplies needed:
Small empty box, such as a jewelry box
Wrapping paper
Ribbon or bow
The following poem on a small piece of paper, handwritten or typed on the computer:
This is a very special gift
That you can never see
The reason it’s so special is
It’s just for you from me.
Whenever you are lonely
Or are feeling blue
You only have to hold this gift
And know I’m hugging you!
You never can unwrap it
Please leave the ribbon tied
Just hold the box close to your heart
It’s filled with hugs inside.
Have your child wrap the box with wrapping paper. Tie the poem on the box with the ribbon. Include a bow if you like.
Desk Top Pinecone Tree:
Ideas: Make these using large and small sized pinecones.
Supplies needed:
Pinecones in various sizes
Small paper plate
Sequins and glitter
Clean the pinecones, making sure there are no bugs or dirt inside. Glue the pinecone with the large flat side down onto the paper plate. A hot glue gun may be needed for this. Stretch cotton balls and glue around the base of the pinecone. This will look like snow. Decorate the pinecone using the sequins and glitter to resemble tree decorations. Also, you can cut out a small star and glue at the top. Another idea for this craft is to spray paint the pinecones green before decorating.
Gifts From the Kitchen:
If your child enjoys cooking in the kitchen, these are easy do to and teachers will appreciate the delicious treats.
Confetti Pretzel Sticks:
Idea: Use leftover chocolate from holiday baking when making these.
Supplies Needed:
12 large pretzel rods
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, use regular or white chocolate
colored sprinkle
Pour sprinkles in a shallow bowl or plate. Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave, one minute at a time. Stir after each minute, until completely melted. Dip the top half of the pretzel rod into the chocolate and immediately roll into the sprinkles. Place on wax paper until the chocolate hardens. Place several in a pretty holiday bag and tie a bow on the bag.
Baking Soda Ornaments:
Idea: Not edible, but good kitchen fun! Write the teacher’s name and date with a permanent marker after painting
Supplies Needed:
2 cups baking soda
1 cup cornstarch
1-1/4 cup water
cookie cutters in holiday shapes
acrylic paints
In a saucepan, stir together the baking soda, cornstarch and water. Cook over medium heat while stirring, until it has the consistency of mashed potatoes. Turn out onto a plate and cover with a damp towel until the mixture is cool. Roll out to �¼-inch thickness. Use cookie cutters to make shapes. Use a straw or a toothpick to make a hole near the top for hanging. Allow ornaments to dry on a flat surface. Paint with acrylic paints and then use glaze to protect. Try adding glitter or sequins for a festive look.
Hot Chocolate Mix:
Idea: Pair this with a nice mug and some candy canes tied together with a bright ribbon.
Supplies Needed
1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 cup powdered non-dairy creamer
1 cup dried powdered milk
�¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
In a blender, mix together sugar, creamer, milk and cocoa powder. Mix well and place in an airtight container such as a pint jar. Include the following directions to make the hot chocolate: Place 3 tablespoons to mix into a mug and add hot water. Stir and enjoy.
Gifts From the Class
If you are responsible for getting the teacher a gift from the entire class, try these fun and easy to do crafts.
Handprint Tote Bag:
Idea: Purchase a large or small bag depending on what size the teacher will need.
Supplies Needed:
Plain tote bag-these can be found at craft supply stores
Acrylic paints
Paper plates
Permanent maker
Lay the bag flat with newspaper inside so the paint will not bled through. Put paint in the middle of the paper plate and dip child’s hand in the paint. Place the child’s hand on the bag. After each child has put their handprint on the bag and the paint dries, have the child write his or her name with the maker under their handprint.
Another idea, use green and red paint and place the hand prints around in a circle, alternating the colors. The handprints will look like a wreath.
Class Photo Shirt:
Idea: Use a pre-washed white shirt or sweatshirt for best results
Supplies Needed:
White shirt or sweatshirt
Picture of the class
Computer iron-on transfer paper
Computer and printer
Use the home computer to print a large picture of the class on to iron-on transfer paper. Make sure to carefully follow directions on transfer paper and printer. The picture will need to be printed reversed. After the picture has been printed, follow transfer paper instructions to iron the picture on the shirt. Be careful when ironing to iron the edges. Attach washing instructions to the shirt before giving as a gift.
Memory Book:
Idea: This quick craft also makes a great end-of-the-year gift. Any teacher will appreciate this gift, and scrapbooking skills are not needed.
Supplies Needed:
Magnetic paged photo album (the kind with the sticky pages)
Photos and letters from each child
About three weeks before making the book, ask each child to write a letter to the teacher. They can write about their favorite thing they do in school, wish the teacher a good holiday, or whatever they choose. Also, take a photo of each child or have the child bring a photo from home. Place the letters and photos on the pages.