Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Buy Gap Jeans

1. Most Of Them Are Stretch
The majority of styles of Gap jeans use a fabric that combines a high percentage of cotton with a small percentage (usually under 5%) of synthetic, stretchy material like lycra. This is one reason why Gap jeans fit well when you first put them on. However, it also means they wear out and become baggy and shapeless faster than all-cotton jeans would.

2. They Change The Styles Often, Which Is Tough For Fitting.
This means that as soon as you discover a fit that you really like, if you go back to buy another pair they may be discontinued. This has happened to me not once, not twice, but three times with Gap jeans.

3. They Change The Styles Often, Which Is Tough For Fashion.
The Gap jeans line-up of products changes along with people’s tastes and fashion trends. This means that if you wear a pair of Gap jeans for longer than a year or so, you run the risk of looking out of touch, and out of style. Gap is known for trendy pants, which means you’ll look very hip for a few months, but will have to head back to the Gap to refresh your look after a few more.

4. You’ll Look Like Everyone Else.
Because they are fairly affordable, reasonably stylish and extremely well distributed, Gap jeans are ubiquitous. People everywhere are wearing them, which is fine, but it also means that you’re not likely to stand out from the pack in a pair of Gap jeans. If you want to make a splash, go elsewhere, because any pair of jeans you buy from the Gap will be just like the jeans that hundreds or even thousands of other people are wearing.

5. You’ll Look Like A Teenager.
This can be a good or a bad thing depending on your personal style, but be aware before you hand over your credit card: Gap jeans make you look like a teenager. Almost all the styles are gently tailored with young details like a slight flare or a low rise, so if you’re of a certain age, you may want to choose a more classic, less trendy brand. Gap jeans are deservedly popular within the teen demographic, but if you’re not in the teen demographic you may want to think twice.

6. Gap’s Environmental Record
The Gap corporation and its head family are notorious among environmentalists for having sub-standard corporate practices. Most famously, members of the Fisher family, which runs the Gap, tried to clear-cut groves of endangered old-growth redwood trees in California. Activists encourage boycotting the store because when you buy Gap jeans, you’re supporting these kinds of practices.

7. Fluctuating Quality.
The quality of Gap jeans is not as standardized as some other brands, due in part to the size of the operation known as The Gap. Because Gap makes and sells so many pairs, they have to contract the work out to multiple factories in multiple areas, and the Gap jeans made in some factories are better-made than the jeans made in others. This means that some, but not all, pairs of Gap jeans will show wear after even gentle use.

8. Shrinkage.
Because Gap jeans are mostly cotton, they tend to shrink a bit if you wash them in hot water and then throw them in the dryer. So, if you’re thinking of buying a pair of Gap jeans that are skin tight, you may want to think again.

9. Dye Bleeding/Fading.
In my admittedly limited experience, Gap jeans made with dark dyes will bleed the first time you wash them. This isn’t a problem as long as you remember to wash them separately from other clothes the first few times you clean them; however, if you’re likely to forget, or if you use a Laundromat where it’s not practical to do a whole separate load, definitely don’t buy a pair that has a very saturated, dark color.

10. They’re Not Made In The USA.
Gap’s labor record in developing countries has been pretty spotty at times, although it is steadily improving. In fact, the company recently joined the Ethical Trading Initiative, a UK-based organization that pressures companies to pledge greater corporate responsibility for factory conditions. So, progress towards better working conditions is being made by the Gap, but it is an uphill battle. When you buy Gap Jeans, you have a decent chance that they weren’t made in an incredibly inhumane sweatshop, but there’s no guarantee

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