Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Buy Nitetrim – Weight Loss Drug

Here is the deal. Are you like me, who wanted to lose weight but didn’t know what to do? And since you have internet access, you decided to check out ways for healthy weight loss on net and found this website which promised fast and easy weight loss. Well, stop right there because I have my own experience to share with you before you decide to go for one such product called Nitetrim. Here are my ten reasons why you should not buy nitetrim.

Not evaluated by FDA (Food and Drug Administration): First things first. Being overweight is something that can be cured with proper exercises and food habits yet this product claims that all you need to do is take the supplements and you will lose weight within a week of starting to use this product. And yet such a great discovery is not evaluated by FDA, I wonder why? It is because it’s not a great discovery but just a supplement. So the big cushion that helps you think you are safe with this product because it has FDA approval is not there with this product.

It’s free for the first 30 days supply: Just not true. By the time you actually get to the end of the form to fill in, thinking you are going to get this product absolutely free, you have to give your credit card details. And while you are wondering why you would need credit card if this product is free, you are told you have to pay postage for it to get to you. And then you wonder no matter how small the postage cost is, if you are paying for postage that means you are paying to get the product aren’t you? There is no alternative wherein you can go and collect this product from somewhere without paying the postage so how does it become “Absolutely Free”?

Repeat orders?: Hey! I was not a wise person then and all I could think of was how easy it would be to lose this extra weight I have gained and ordered this product anyways. Once I had the product, and after I tell you what other experiences I had with this product, I wisely decided not to use it any more. But guess what? Next month I received another bottle of it. And I thought, wow two bottles free. But then I saw my credit card statement on month end and realized that I have now paid a full price which is more than the initial advertised price. So the first free offer gets you into a series of orders and hence the need for credit card details as explained in the previous point.

No telephone contact number: When I looked through the whole website, I only found an email address. So I decided to mail them the fact that I had not ordered the extra bottle and could they please refund my money and take the bottle back. They came back to me after few days and told me that once I order the first bottle, I become a member and the system will keep on ordering on my behalf (and charging my credit card of course on my behalf) till I cancel the membership. So then I emailed them again asking them to cancel the membership but guess what, they need the cancellation request at least few days before the next order so I got another bottle through the post. I was only a day late than their requirement but I felt like saying well if you would have answered my email on time then I would have had a chance to cancel it before the time limit you have somewhere on your terms and conditions.

Requirements for hoodia not satisfied: According to independent hoodia report and product comparisons, any hoodia product must be verified by an independent lab report as that will decide the quality of the product. Well, nitetrim surely didn’t show me any such reports on their products or in the bottles that I received. I just wish I knew this before buying the product.

C.I.T.I.E.S. Certificate: I didn’t even know there was a certificate called as C.I.T.I.E.S but well, now we all should know. So this is the certificate that will prove any hoodia product’s authentic origin (which should be South Africa). Again, I don’t mean to sound like a repetitive tape, but there was no such certificate displayed anywhere on the bottles that I received. And by the way this certificate will only show the origin but it does not assure you of the quality as the final product may not be like the original ingredient, hence the need for the above mentioned independent lab report.

Tall claims: You see things like I have lost xyz amount of weight overnight and some random names, well did you know that you could actually ask for their details so that you could verify these claims. But, surprise again, that there are no details of such people but just names. If I have lost weight and am giving my review to someone, I would give my contact details (just an email) so that if anyone wanted to check out if I am a real person and this was a real experience they could do so. Just like people ask for references and check them out. But all you get is names and some photos which could even be the models used for advertising.

Side-effects: Oh yes, I did suffer from side effects like heart burn regularly. And to make the matters worse, the supplement worked like a laxative and I felt weak just after a week’s intake. Not a single mention of this anywhere on the main page. So I went to see my doctor and he rightly advised me not to take it anymore to see if it’s the product and presto! As soon as I stopped using the product, all the side-effects stopped too. It’s true that I wanted to lose weight but not at the cost of other health problems.

No accuracy: Another major thing is that in the terms and conditions, it tells you that the information given on this website may not be accurate. Wow, that’s great. So you have the website and you give the information but you don’t take the responsibility to admit that the information is accurate. Well, no wonder there are people like me who will still buy products not knowing any of this.

Junk mails: And last but not the least, you start getting all the junk mail on your email address almost every day about how someone somewhere has lost the weight and this is a special mail just to you for ordering some more of the product at a discounted price and so on so fourth. My mail box was full of these mails and I had to report them as spam to stop them.

Now you know how passionately I feel about why not to buy this product. If after reading all this, you still want to go ahead and buy this product then be my guest. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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