Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Buy the HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300

The HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300 is one of the many products that were produced in order to meet the demand of a growing market of consumers who want to take care of their skin at home more affordable. MicroDermabrasion is a procedure, usually performed in a doctor’s office that ex-foliates the outer layer of skin. The whole point of MicroDermabrasion is to remove dull skin, reveal fresh vibrant skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, rejuvenate the skin, and even out skin tone.

A trip to the doctor’s office for this procedure can be costly and time consuming. The HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300 cost about $40, which at the time seemed very appealing and affordable to me. I thought I was really getting a great bargain because it also came with two MicroDermabrasion creams, a hydrating facile cream, skin toner, four sponges, pore refiners, and a cleansing brush. I thought I had stumbled onto the deal of the century. I believed this until I started using the HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300. I found quite a few problems with this product, more than enough to warrant a bad review. Fortunately it did come with a two-year warranty.

Here are my ten reasons you should not buy the HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300:

1. It took a long time to charge. I was impressed when I bought the product that it was cordless. I only have one plug in my bathroom, so this was actually a great convenience I really needed. I plugged it in about 7pm. The next morning it was still not charged after twelve hours of being plugged in. The HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300 was fully charged by that evening.

2. I notice a second problem when I began using the tool. The brush that came with the MicroDermabrasion kit actually scratched my face. Seriously. I would even call it a cut.

3. So in response to the first problem I found that I had to be extremely careful when using the mircrodermabrasion brush attachment. You should never shut your eyes and just work over the skin on your face. Keep your eyes open and the tool flat on your face at all times.

4. The only attachment in the HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300that was useful in any way was the actual microdermabrasion brush. The others seemed to do nothing for my face that I couldn’t do with a wash clothe and some soap.

5. I have relatively dry skin and I did not find that the hydrating facial cream did enough to moisturize my facial skin. I would use it and then put some of my regular moisturizer on top.

6. The toner did work, but I would not have stopped buying my regular toner in place of HoMedic’s.

7. After a few uses, maybe 3, I found that the HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300 did not hold a charge for long. Although I could finish the process, it noticeably slowed down. Eventually this lead to problem number 6.

8. After using the HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300 for about a month it broke. Well, broke may be the wrong word. It just quit working.

9. The HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300 says it will reduce the appearance of sun damage. I was able to use the product for a month before it quit working, but the age spot on my cheek never faded. Not even a little.

10. $40 is a lot of money for me. I have since found other home MicroDermabrasion kits like the HoMedics MicroDermabrasion Total Face Care System, FAC-300 on the market for as little as $25. The one I currently am using, and like, cost $32.50.

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